chapter#2: sun rise?

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Your P.O.V

This is the day were i have to work. As i woke up doing my daily rutine. I walk down stears fine dad cooking something...smell like pancakes.

"morning sun rise!" Dad greets "do you mean sun shine?" I said smile how childish my dad is. "No, sun rise is better, how can it shine if the sun is rising?" I Laugh at his replay.

"Hehehe...Your a dork dad" i said while siting down at my well carve chear. "yeah...but you love me, now eat its a speical day of work for you" dad said putting the plates of pancakes down at the table "how is that suppose to be special?" I said while starting to eat my pancake.
"Well think of it, your carving designs is on the top and you will bond with the boys" i forgot that dad ask my friends to help me. "yeah...i think your right dad, come to think of it when there father died they are being busy lately with there funiture shop"

[sorry idk the name of the nordics father... and can't make up a name...k back to the story]

"yeah, you got that right but who can blame them they are just following there fathers foot steps mostly berwald" "yeah..." there was silent of a second but break it "since your done eating now how about go to their house" dad suggested "ok...oh right dad i have to buy some things what i'm going to use since the one i have is old" i said before i go off "here...and also i ask the boys that can came with you" dad handed me some money as i get with my sholder bag "thanks see ya' later dad" i wave goodbye to dad "be safe bye" as i was out walking towards the boys house i saw something running towards me.


Who is running towards you?
Hint something cute...

See ya' next chapter.

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