chapter#4: like old times

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You P.O.V

As tino dragged me towards there home i saw in front of the house berwald chupping woods with an axe.
"Moring berwald" i greeted him "morning" that all he said to me until hana run towards him. "oh,berawld after your finish there please come inside ok" tino said to the tall blond only nodded as an answer.

As we go inside the house i was greeted by the brothers. "Oh...(y/n) good morning, want something to eat?" Lukas greeted and ask me."Thanks, but i already ate". He just nodded and get back washing the dishes.

After that i was greeted by the youngest of the siblings just got up from bed. "Morning emil have a great sleep?." i said with a smile. "Good mor-*yawn*-ing, yeah but this stupied bird over here ruin it" he said pointing at his pet? Puffin.

Mr. Puffin flew on my shoilder and say "come on i'm was just waking you up becuase (y/n) is coming over" i was confuse about what the puffin said.
"How did you know i was coming?" I ask him "i have my ways so goodbye" that all he said then flew away.

"(Y/n)!!!!!" Before i knew it i was being crash by a tall gravity haired blond.
"Mathias i can't...breath" after i said that he let me go."sorry about that i'm just so happy you got to visit today...well since your always busy" he said that hand behind his neck feeling a little sad "sorry if i don't got the time to visit...good thing though i have the opportunity to spend time with you guys today"
I said that feeling gilty "its ok at least we have to catch up right just like the old time when we were kids!" I almost laugh at the memories.

"yeah good can you guys help me with shopping for the things" i think i saw i star on mathias eyes "yeah! That part of the bonding right!" He said cheerfully "and i have to buy groceries" said lukas walking out the kitchen.

Them berwald walk in the house with hana on his side."i'm comming to" he said simply."great! How about we all come!" Said tino right beside me.
"Great idea!" I said happly
"You coming ice?" Said lukas to his little brother ."no, you guys have fun" emil said while eating his favorite food.

Then it begins.


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