chapter#3: tino!

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As something running towards (y/n). She look a little closer and its just hana tino's a.k.a finland pet dog.

"Hey girl came to meet me?" As she pet her hana was wet. "Why are you wet hana?" But out of nowere tino shouting hana's name "hana!, were are you girl your not done with your bath!" He said worriedly "tino!" He heard someone calling him from afar and face the person that was his long time friend (Y/N).

"Good moring,(y/n) have you seen hana?" The young man said to while running toward her.

"Good moring to you too, yup she's right here" she piont at her side as the little cute dog sits there wagging her tail.

"Thank goodness you find her i was worried she might get lost" he said to her with a worried expression.

"Why are you looking for her anyway, tino?" She ask
" and mattias are taking her a bath and what's brings you here?" He said "i tought dad told you i will come today?" He was in deep though and realize "oh...right the wood carving, sorry i forgot" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its fine" she said happily to him, he was relive that shes not angry with him. "Shall we go inside?" he said and grab her hand.

As they walk to the house, tino dragged (y/n) to there house with a happy still wet dog beside them.


Sorry if its short, im just running of ideas but it will came.
Im trying my best.
See ya on the next chapter.

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