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what the fuck?!?


"You think?" I ask her

"Well yeah I still have a lot of work but for the most part I'm good and have parted with my old ways." She smiles

"Oh okay then, well I went to military school" I tell her

"No way? Carl Gallagher... in military school?" She chuckles

"Hey it's not funny, and I have actually learned a lot. I can be good for you, I'm going to do things right this time" I say getting closer to her. She just takes a step back.

"What's wrong ? " I asked with full concern.

"Carl, I-" she starts but can't seem to finish her sentence. I felt anger building up in me because I knew what she was about to say wasn't going to be good.

"You what huh? What is it" I say with an annoyed voice.

"I think we should be friends, I can't be in anything right now because I'm still in recovery. I don't want to be your burden. I want you to be happy. I'm going to be leaving soon as well. My sister and I are going to California and leaving my mom. There's more opportunities for us there." She says. I can't process anything she says correctly

"No. No you can't leave! I just got you back!" I shout. "I just got you back" I choke. I cover my face with my hands

"Carl, please don't do this" she says

"Do what? HAVE FEELINGS?!? You're fucking selfish you know that? Fuck you" I say and try walking away.

Debbie walks in and asked "What the hell is going on?"

"Why don't you ask your fucking friend huh? The one who is leaving us. The both of us." I tell her

"What the fuck?!?"

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