Death is among us all.

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(This special chapter was requested. I will tag them for requesting.)
(Also, this is a DIFFERENT timeline.)

???'s P.O.V
I finnaly tricked (Y/N) to commit genocide! This'll be fun to watch!

Your P.O.V
You finnaly kill Asriel. But afraid of what Chara will do to you.

-------time skip cause I'm lazy.----------

You take a step into the judgment hall as Chara just stood there. Smiling, but more of a hidden frown. Sense she was probably fuccin pissed at me.

Chara: "Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

(Y/N): "I'm ready for my demise. Do it quickly.'

Knives appeared. As they were aimed toward you. But something in you told you to dodge. You obeyed the command and dodged.

Chara: "Y'know, your making this longer for yourself?."

------------timeskip sense I am lazy shit.-------

Finnaly, you killed chara. As she sat there with a gash on her chest. You walked past her. Then you killed king Sans, and then Napstablook.

You saw a figure appear. It was Mettaton, holding a knife.

MTT: "Seems that you listened to me. If feels great just killing everyone, yeah? Just lashing out out them, for no reason, fun! Isin't it?"

(Y/N): "H-How could you! You tricked me!"

(Y/N): "Bring everyone back, NOW!"

Mettaton: "Nah. But maybe we can 'FIGHT' over what happens."

(Cliffhanger here, YEE.)

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