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March 17, 1940 like I said before, I stopped going to the city, and my home was where I was free. The days weren't even dark anymore, they were depressing. Kurt would barely come home for weeks at a time, and when he did, he didn't speak to me, and every time I would ask him if I could come he would pretend he didn't hear me and he would leave in his uniform. Being away from the city, I have no idea what goes on out there but I decided to look for myself. I covered up like the last time when me and Kurt had went out, and I went out into the city alone this time. I smelled the same smell but twice as bad, I looked at every angle and then suddenly I hear screams. I hear screams of a little girl, crying out for her ma and pa and I hear screams of a woman crying out for her little girl and her husband and I hear screams of a man crying out for his woman and his little girl. Though I also hear screams of telling a family to hurry up and to let go. I run to the screams and peak around the corner of a building, and just as I heard a family was being separated. One thing that really caught my eye were the sign or badges it was a red background with a white circle in the middle, and within that circle there was a black symbol, I couldn't even really describe it. After that I then realized the building that I was peeking from was the building Kurt works in, and from what I remember he had the same badge on his arm like the people who were pulling the family apart. I go inside the city hall and work my way down to his office but I was stopped by some soldiers, they asked me who am I to see General Küttner. I was getting ready to say my husband but I know he didn't want me to cover up for no reason, so I told them to tell him a woman named Adlina would like to see him. A soldier went up and came back and dragged me to the office. I went in and he shouted "YOU IDIOT", that's the first time I ever heard him raise his voice, " DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUVE DONE, I'VE TRIED TO KEEP YOU PROTECTED BY LEAVING YOU AT HOME AND COVERING YOU UP WHEN YOU COME TO THE CITY, BUT THIS TIME YOU SCREWED UP!!" All I could ask him was "What do you really do in your job?" Next thing I knew I was being separated from my family just like the people earlier. I arrived to the run down place and all I could feel was loneliness and betrayal, I had no one, I knew no one. My parents, jr, and Kurt were the only one I had. I didn't make friends and I was isolated the entire time, I did everything on my own and I lived off of my own. I had arrived in the ghetto.

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