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April 17, 1940 I had found a place in the ghetto yet it wasn't my home, I was too distraught to think about how Kurt left me like this, and I was in too much pain to sleep. All I could think about was him turning his face around to the window of his office and completely forgetting all about me. I don't even know what happens next. Then I start to worry about my parents. If he's able to do this to me the. What will happen to ma and pa? Then my heart sank, "JR!" I balled out in tears. Kurt took everything away from me in one minute and he denied me in seconds. Then I asked myself, was it because of my curiosity, if I wasn't this nosey would everything had been okay, but I was interrupted in thought. I heard whistles late at night in my small cottage. I hear knocking at the doors, and someone's yelling out for us to come outside with our things and wait, I calmly get up to pack the little things I received while being at the ghetto and I move along outside. They lead us down to a wagon of some sort, and stuff us all in there, the way we were treated like animals I could tell this wouldn't be a good trip. It was getting cold and even though it was already dark, the mood was even darker. We were loaded on a train but it was even faster this time, they were kind of rushing us this time, I felt like I was coming closer to my end. By the moans, groans, and listening to the children cry, I could tell this was a big cart, because I could hear the hollowness and I could tell there was a lot of us, because I could feel the warmth, but only in the beginning. It was already dark on the train but I could tell it was becoming night through the tiny cracks on the walls of the train. It began to get colder and the sounds and cries became quieter. I saw the moon three times before we came to a stop so I know it took us about three days. Then I asked myself how am I alive. I went three days with no food, water and barely warmth, but as soon as I started to think, someone started to bang on the doors, waking the living up and not bothering the dead, that's when they lost all humanity and treated us like animals, they screamed for us to leave our things and to hurry up and get out.

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