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April 21, 1940 As I'm tugged and thrown to the floor, I feel a kick to stomach and a step on the back, then I hear a gunshot go off, that only made things worse for me, I felt paralyzed and I couldn't get up, I just felt repeating steps on my back like the gravel under a car's wheel. Surprisingly someone lifted me up from this khaos and I look around and look back at the train, it almost looked like I was the only one who survived. So many dead bodies and the such a pungent odor, I guess it was so cold that when I warmed up some, I was able to smell it. "DAMMIT THAT SMELLS, IF YOU IMBECILES DON'T HURRY UP AND GO GET THE BODIES YOU'RE GOING TO BE RIGHT ALONG WITH THEM!!" Yelled an SS officer. Then we started to march to what could be the end. They pushed, shoved and beaten us into a straight line, it's dark but the pole w lights were bright. I started to get anxiety, bright lights, dogs barking viciously, people are crying and I'm too far in the back to see what's going on in the front. The more the line moves, the more my heart skips a beat. But now I can see a hand going left to right and the people would either go to the left or to the right. That's when I knew, this is life or death. I was coming up next and then I saw him. I saw his eyes, he showed no mercy for the young, weak or old, none of them did, but this guy was different. He looked like he wanted to send me to die just because, just because he could feel my attitude or he just hated who I was. He walked in closer and pointed to me gave me a smirk and sent me to his right, and backed up. I could tell if he stays around the camp that we'll have problems. I was told to jog so I jogged then I stopped at a station they told me to undress and shave my head. So I tried to keep going with the crowd but they told me to stop and said I could undress right there, they laughed but I don't think they were playing. I just stared at them for a while before they threatened to take my clothes off for me. I felt tears coming, but I know that won't work around here so I sucked it up and started to undress and before I could take off my dress they called me a whore and told me to keep it moving. I guess they haven't seen a woman before, they seemed really young and mischievous. Young boys with power is never a good thing. I start to strip my clothes and I shave my head with no problem because I have to get used to things like this. At the next gate they give us striped pajamas. We were tattooed numbers, it was really painful, like needles repeatedly stabbing into my skin, I was given a block number and told to go to Dr.Weinsneichz's building. I found my way there, he looked like he was waiting for me, he greeted me with a smile and shook my hand. He told me he was very excited to meet me and that he wants to make sure I am healthy. He told me to lay on the metal table with a cloth on top. I did as he said and he went out the room. I stared a little bit, the room was dull no color but grey, metal tools everywhere and then something caught my eye, I saw a paper reading "The Study of the woman anatomy", I was puzzled as to why it was there but he came back in. "I'm just going to do a few check ups ok?" He asked. I nodded my head, he didn't do anything inappropriate and I walked out of there in time for supper. I thought to myself, "I think I got lucky this time". We had a small portion of soup, a piece of bread and watered down coffee. I couldn't catch the tears this time, even though the soup was nowhere near mamas' it reminded me of the care free life I had. I dried myself out in my bunk and slept for the rest of the time. We were woken up earlier than usual and we lined up outside our bunks, I asked my neighbor what's going on, she said selection or introduction. "Introduction?? Could you explain?" But she told me to shush. That's when a man with blonde hair walks up, "Welcome General Kuttner" an SS soldier said. I wanted to cry and run to him, but I wanted to beat him as well. He came closer to my bunk, I clenched my fist, I tried to hold back but he stood parallel from me. Next thing I knew his right cheek was red, my hand was stinging and I was kicked down, before they could end my life with one blow, Kurt yells for them to stop and says he will take care of me, and I had no doubts in what he would do. He grabbed me firmly by the arm and dragged me to his office in the camp. He asked me a whole bunch of questions of how I'm doing but all I could do is stare at him, then I interrupted him and all that came out was "Why?" He asked why what, and I looked away, he started to explain himself but I can't forgive you now, I can't forgive you ever. "Where's ma, pa and Jr dammit!!?" His face was shocked that I raised my voice and that I cussed, but he assured me that they're safe and hidden surprisingly. I asked him if I could go to my bunk now and he escorted me. Dr.Weinsneichz had wished to see me again, he asked me if I wanted to be his assistant, I asked what for, he told me experiments and I agreed. The next day I came into the dull office and he told me to lay on the table, the only difference was there were straps and the officer who chose whether I lived or died, then I realized what I had really walked into. I knew I couldn't scream but I sure did try to run but the officer was too fast, he caught me and strapped me to the table. The doctor told me his true plans and I knew I screwed up, I screamed but they stuffed my mouth, but someone heard, Kurt heard and he showed his weakness too soon. He busted me out but I knew we weren't going to get far, he tried to get me out the camp but the guards caught us. Kurt froze in fear and I hugged him but he pushed me away and told me to close my eyes. I heard five shots and a body drop, I looked back and it was the love of my life, i cried and held him, he pointed to his pocket and then went to the sky. I grabbed the note before I could part from him. That day was cold, so cold it turned me cold, I no longer cared about anything because even with the map he gave me, I knew there wasn't a way out, just death. I shed a few tears as I remember his lifeless body on the ground. I went to bed and all I could think about was the sign really meant something worse than hell. "Auschwitz Birkenau"

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