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After more hours of marching, my legs started to numb, if I don't take a break now, I just may end up left on the roads. I think someone in the clouds answered my prayers because we slowly started to march to a shack where they gave us watered down coffee and pieces of bread. I wanted to sleep but I saw the people who did sleep, and sleep is truly for the weak. I stayed up and I checked my feet, they were purple in some spots, I touch it and the feeling was one sided. I felt like crying but that would weaken me too. In about one hour they told us to get up and continue their march. In the shack we lost so many elements. It was so dark that people started to trip and I tried to keep my eyes glued to the floor so I don't get ran over. I could no longer feel the floor, and at this point I was highly vulnerable, my body was moving on it's own, so I couldn't control it. After another hour a body dropped, and it was in my path, I tripped over it and I became just like rocks under a vehicle's tire. Each breath I took, it was harder for me to breathe, each move I made, I became more paralyzed. Eventually it just stopped and I had passed out. I woke back up unable to move, I stared at the cold clouds waiting for a miracle, I stared at the snow falling on my face praying for relief. But after sometime, I realized no one was coming, this was it, it was me myself and I. I guess relief had came, my time was near because the clouds had cleared up and I was standing up and it was a warm day, the air was nice, the sky was beautifully blue and the smell of the trees, flowers and food from the house had become very intriguing. Suddenly I felt my stomach rumbling. I was walking halfway back to the house I had started to pay attention to the scenery even more, it was so much more beautiful that the last time, I saw the rose flowers along the sidewalks, and beyond that I saw my home with its same orange tiled roof, painted yellow cemented walls, the brown polished wood window outlining, the pollen filled windows, and the green vines coming from every corner. To my left view I saw our pretty garden filled with colorful aesthetically pleasing fruits and veggies to my right I saw our mini barn not a lot of animals but just the right amount. While walking I decide to pick up five flowers, one for pa, one for ma, one for me, one for the love of my life Kurt, and one last one for our little one Jr. and that was my last dream, my last happiest memory, my last thought, but my last feeling was relief, I was relieved.

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