The Letter // The Audacity?!

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Chapter Three

"What's got you so peppy?" Madison asked me.

It was the Monday after the first day of school (it started on a Friday, God knows why)  and we'd already made up. Her fashion faux pas was a thing of the past. We sat at our table with Frenchie and Maria, our lunches sitting untouched in front of us. I eyed Harry who sat at the jock table like he'd been a part of their group the whole time. A few days into school and he already had joined the hottest most popular group of guys. I didn't like him, but I had to admire how quickly he had integrated into the school and risen up to the top of the popularity chain. I still resented him, but I wasn't mad at Maria anymore. I just accepted the fact that she could be really stupid sometimes.

I had a permanent smile plastered on my face from the prior night. I recalled the memory from the weekend:


"Sweetie, you just need to calm down." My mum rubbed my back.

"Stop touching me!" I swatted her hand away. "Don't you realize my first day back totally sucked?! Maria basically said I dressed like a whore! Do you know what that feels like?! My best friend, totally didn't even care! Ugh!"

I had felt like a volcano ready to explode all day. Ever since lunch I hadn't talked to Maria, Frenchie, Sharon or Tiffany. I had to sit with the jocks all by myself. And then went throughout the day strategically avoiding everyone.

"Honey, your outfit is fine. You dress how you want to dress."

I had to admit it; I had like the coolest mother ever. Mostly because she didn't give a shit about what I did. She can be kind of a ditz, but that's one of her best qualities. I could get away with completely anything. But then, on the other hand, was my dad, who was the complete antithesis of my mum. I guess he sort of balanced it out, because he was the most protective parent I knew. He was like an eagle protecting its young.

"I'll be in my room." I said without emotion and then climbed up the stairs.

I locked the door and collapsed onto my bed. I started connecting dots in the speckled ceiling.

Finally, some peace and quiet. Sometimes I just couldn't stand life. I was so excited about returning to all of my friends and good memories, but it just sucked. There's no other way to put it.

The prospect of my pre-calc homework didn't seem that enticing, so I decided to let it stay in my backpack like a good little assignment. What kind of psycho even assigned homework on the first day? I had a feeling this was going to be a long year.

I let out an exasperated sigh and kept staring at the ceiling.

After I'd cooled down a bit I took out my phone and scrolled through the messages. They were mostly a bunch of apologies from Maria about today and a few from my modeling agency. I didn't even bother responding to any of them. As I set my phone in my dresser, my eyes were drawn to a curious envelope. It was particularly weird because I didn't get much mail. I would get magazines and catalogs every so often, but nothing like this. My name was printed in the corner of the pink envelope and there was a postage stamp with the face of an elegant young woman outlined in black. I tore it open and revealed a fancy, thick, cream-colored piece of paper. I read the fine type.


Congratulations Alexandria Schultz!

We have reviewed your application and are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for the new job opening for the Versace Spring Fragrance Collection...


I stopped after the first sentence. My jaw hit the floor.

No way. No way. No way. I couldn't believe it. I read the entire letter through. Then I read it through again. And after that, I read it again. I read it until the words burned into my vision. This could not be real.

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