Before the Party

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Chapter Nine

I've had more shocking things happen to me in this past week than my entire life. And standing there in the gym with the guy from the mall was something I wouldn't've expected to happen, like, ever. I mean, what are the chances that some random guy in the mall (that I fall in love with after two seconds) winds up being my gym teacher? That's fate. Then it really hit me.

Oh my Lord he's my gym teacher.

This has been the strangest school year I've ever had. Are hot guys even allowed to be teachers? What is this? I always wanted some young, attractive teacher to stare at, but seriously, this Coach Payne dude had my heart beating in overdrive. It's difficult to function when all you can think about is everything at once because you're so nervous. Mr. Payne had me in this stupor.

Come on, you're Alex Schultz. I told myself, Guys don't scare you. If anything, you're the one intimidating the guys.

Okay, deep breaths.

Oh crap he was looking over at me. Oh God he was waving. Did he remember me? God I hope not. Last time I saw him I just stood there stupidly.

I began to feel a blush creep up my cheeks. Ugh, stop disobeying me, face.

"Alex!" Sharon whispered shrilly to me. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. "Do you know that beautiful creation?!"

I cringed. "Sort of..." I told her of my embarrassing encounter with our new coach.

This was bad. Normally, if I heard our old pedophiliac gym teacher was going to replaced with some model, I'd jump for joy, but this was not normal circumstances.

Here! Let's take the one guy Alex has ever been tongued-tied in front of and plop him right into her daily life so she can be nervous every second she walks into P.E.!

What a fantastic idea.

Oh shit, that was not good. I had a crush on my teacher.


"Here, when you go to serve the ball, make sure it's held like this." My heart had a mini seizure as Mr. Payne guided my arm in a long arc. He wasn't like standing behind me or anything, but I imagined he was.

I let out my breath as soon as Mr. Payne left, which I didn't realize I'd been holding.

I watched Sharon as she made a flawless overhand serve with perfect form. She was so good at sports and had the perfect body. I couldn't even serve underhand. Everytime I tried, the volleyball would go flying and hit the wall, or bludgeon someone in the head. I wasn't too distraught when I hit Andrew Hennen in the face though... But still, I was never going to serve this fucking volleyball right, was I?

Wait. When did I start caring? And when was I ever jealous of Sharon?

"Are you alright?" Sharon suddenly appeared at my side, snapping me out of my trance.

"What?" I asked, meeting her blue eyes.

"I asked if you were okay. I like, looked over and you were just standing here staring into space..." She followed my line of eyesight.

"Or staring at the new coach!" She nodded towards Mr. Payne.

"I know, he's so gorgeous I just can't take my eyes off him. But you know, it's kind of awkward because he's our teacher."

"Time to pack it in!" Called Mr. Payne. The sounds of bouncing balls (that was not meant to sound dirty) ceased and everyone headed back to the locker rooms to change.

I pulled off my shirt and sighed.

"So, back to my question. You've been acting kinda weird lately."

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