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It was a Friday night, finally!!!!!!
No more school.

The lads and I are on are way to a party that is held in the castle.

"Yo, mate you going to get knocked tonight"? Harry asked




After we got to the party I found a girl to chat up.

Hey, what's your name

"Laura, I'm in your chemistry class".

Oh, right your that chic who is always with those girls who are obsessed with me.

"Yes that would be me".

You want to dance?


After that we took selfies and got drunk off our arses

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After that we took selfies and got drunk off our arses.

I noticed I was getting desperate about this mate situation and I wanted to take this farther.

I had a great time tonight Laura

"Me too"

I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?

"Oh, Niall I'm flattered but I already have a boyfriend, but we can still be friends."

Oh, okay I understand, well have a good night. 

"You too"

Authors Note:
I like Niall with no girls besides me. That's why I love that he's single.

Im using Laura as the girl trying to still Niall from Dakota throughout the book.

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