Horan Hug?

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Niall Horan pov:
Okay well after I got bit and became a vampire the witch told me that I have to get a girl to fall in love with me before my 23 birthday otherwise i would be stuck an eye changing vampire forever.

" So basically your saying i have to vocally say those three words before your 23?" She asked me.

Ya, but I mean I lived with this for awhile now.

"No, Ni you don't deserve to have this happen, your such a unique and interesting guy.Any girl in the world would be lucky to have you, human or immortal."

Thanks, that is the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me.

"Your welcome know come here an give me a hug."she asked but I backed away and gave her a smirk.

Which would you prefer a hug or a Horan hug? I winked at her.

She started to blush and then she asked me "What's a Horan Hug?"

Allow me to demonstrate

I went over a wrapped my arms around her waist and snuggled my head into her neck, smelling her shampoo in her hair.
I felt her arms wrap around my neck while she balanced on her tippy toes.

She is so cute I thought to myself.

I few minutes later we let go.

So what's the difference? She asked

Nothing it's just what my family and friends call it when I hug people because I burry my head into your neck and make the hug last longer.

She walked up to me and whispered in my ear "just make sure if the persons drunk don't make it look like your going to be sexual and give them hickey's.

Then she ran ahead of me

Tease, I thought to myself

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