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I just asked Laura to be my girlfriend, not a very smart move on my part. She had a boyfriend.

My heart feels like it was just shattered into a million pieces. I can't believe I'm actually crying over a girl i only met two hours ago.

I decided I needed fresh air. So I went outside.
I go on my phone and text the boys that I'm outside.
A couple minutes later I got an okay from liam. I then hear ruffling in the bushes and I get this weird feeling of blood but not just any blood it's human blood. I look up and the sent gets stronger but it's addicting like haroin.
I look over and see a girl with blue eyes,and  blonde hair and she is a HUMAN, OH NO I haven't seen a human in 5 years.
I had know Idea what to do, so i ran back inside the party.

The real question is how did she even find this place and who was she?

RED EYED ANGEL (VAMPIRE)NH Where stories live. Discover now