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Dakota pov
I'm sitting in my room studying for Finals

Rrrrrrr I just want to burn all my books plus homework which I'm still receiving.
This is so stressful and it's not helping my all ready horable acne.

4 hours later I got up and said to myself

"Dakota it's Midnight on a Friday, why am I in my apartment studying? When I could be out with my friends".

I grabbed my phone and texted all of my friends and asked if they were free.

Maya: No, I'm in Washington
Jaxson: Why are you still up Leprechaun you need your beauty sleep.
Nya: No
Corey: Thanks for waking me up, my answer is NO.

Well I guess I'm on my own.

I'D LIKE TO THANK ash_musicd601 for reading commenting and voting on this book.

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