The Moment

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P.O.V. Dan

When I open my eyes I immediately think of what happend five months ago. He did it, he really did it. I still can't believe it. How? When? How did I not see it coming, I thought he wasn't ready. How could I think that. But then I realize I'm not in the hotel, I look to the right side of the bed and see a sleeping Phil. What happend last night? It slowly starts comes back to me. We just left the hospital after Rose's monthly check up saying we needed some sleep and on the way back we got pizza and when we came back we just talked. For hours. Phil's mum brought Thomas over sleeping, saying he wanted to spend more time with his mummy. I put him in bed and felt happy for the first time since a really long time. I went back down stairs and we watched an anime. I missed that so much. I mean of course I watched anime when Phil was gone, but it's not the same when someone is lying on your lap, someone who really loves you and doesn't even doubt it for a second. It was a wonderful moment, one I really needed after those lonely six years without that person. We also talked about where we wanted to live when we actually get married. Do we want to keep this house, do we want to move to the countryside or do we want to move back to London. Phil wants to stay near by Manchester because of Rose, which is completely normal and understandable, I just need to except that Phil is not completely mine, not now, never. He has a son, a soon to be ex-wife and a daughter is about three months. I love this house, so why not stay here? Because it brings back too many memories for Phil. I mean I'm not jealous of Rose, but I can;t live in a house where they had an engagement party and sleep in the bed where they had sex. I don't even know how often. I feel disgusted and leave the bed. I walk down stairs and prepare some breakfast.

"Hey Danny!"

"Oh, het Thomas. How did you sleep?"

"I had a dream about dinosaurs and butterflies."

He is so precious, he is Phil captured in an even cuter, sweeter, unbelievably adorable person. He is perfect, he truly is. I suddenly realize I am going to be his father. In some ways, not actually, like biological, but like kind of. Right? It's so weird, considering that I hated having pets,  always feeling guilty of keeping them captured. But now I'm about to get married and.... Wait?! The marriage! It's today! I put Thomas down on the table with a bowl of cereal and am about to go upstairs to wake up Phil when I hear the bell. I run to the door.

"Hey. I'm here! Are your ready?"

It's Phil's mum

"Well Of course I am. Just woken up."

"You forgot it was today, didn't you?"

"Kind of... I'm going to wake up Phil." 

I run up stairs and there he is. He is so cute when he sleeps, as majestic as a lion.

"Hey... Phil... Phil! Wake Up!"

"Huh? What?"

"You're mum's here! We are supposed to marry today!"

Suddenly he's completely a wake and jumps out of bed

"Of course! I did not forget!"

"I did too. Don't worry. your mum's here to help."

"Of course she is."

He looks into my eyes and kisses me

"I have been waiting for this moment all my life, maltesers"

"Don't call me that. You know I hate that nickname."

"I know that why I use it."

Phil runs down stairs and I realize I am about to marry a big kid, have a son and in no time have a daughter. I am about to become the owner of three of the most difficult pets in the world. But I can do this! I go downstairs and Phil is sitting on the table eating cereal as a maniac.

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