The Beginning

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P.O.V. Phil

As we are picking up the suits I start to feel doubts. I try to keep laughing because of the camera, but inside I am crying, a little, because I have been waiting for so long. I can't stop now, can I. I mean I promised my life to Dan, to Thomas and to Tabitha. I need to do this. I put on my suit and step out of the fitting booth

"You look beautiful Phil."

"Do I?"

"I don't know how to describe it, I'm not a girl, but it looks super good on you."

"So do you."

"Phil? What's wrong?"


"Phil, I know you. You can be honest with me."

"It's nothing Dan."

"Phil. I have doubts too. But it's okay, because I still love you."

"You do? Have doubts I mean. I love you too, but what if this is not right?"

"If it's not we will stop it. I promise."

"Thank you."

I look at myself in the mirror and feel a tingle, a tingle that I have never felt before. Dan comes out of his fitting booth and I feel it again. The tingle, a spark, the love, for him. And I know it's the right choice, marrying him. Not only for me, well that's the main reason, but also for Thomas, Rose and Tabitha. I can't really live with them or love them if I'm not happy. 

"You look even more beautiful in white."

"I just think black is more my colour, but if you think it's better this way. I trust you okay, so don't trick me because I will divorce you."

"You can't. Not yet. We're not married yet."

"Got me there. Let's get Thomas his suit and see if it fits."

I take my phone away from Thomas

"Thomas, it's time to put on your suit for the wedding."

"But I really liked that game! I was almost finished!"

"But Thomas, if you don't do this, you can't come to your daddy's wedding and when you don't come you won't be able to eat all the delicious food. And I can ensure you, it is delicious. So, still don't want to try it on?"

"Okay, fine..."

Thomas walks into the fitting booth with Dan to help him. I hear Thomas protesting. The thing is that Dan choose the outfit, so I have no idea how it's going to look. I hope he did not pick something black and boring. 

"Okay. Close your eyes daddy!"

I close my eyes terrified to see something I hate and then have to pretend I like it, no love it. 

"Okay you can look Phil."

I open my eyes and see the most beautiful, cutest outfit I have ever seen on Thomas. He is wearing a black blouse underneath, you're not going to believe it, a glitter rainbow suit! It's amazing

"Dan! It's amazing! I love it so much!"

"Do you really?"

"Yes, I love sparkly suits, and that one is a rainbow! It's perfect!"

"I love it too! Now I can be the center of attention the entire evening! Can I keep it daddy's?"

Thomas looks at me and Dan. Suddenly I feel like the luckiest man on earth, he already thinks of Dan as his father. I never could have dreamed of this moment. He accepted it and is fine with it. Or he is a really good actor. I realize, once again, I have one of the most wonderful kids in the universe, because you don't know anything about alien kids. Yet.

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