The Hope

16 1 0

P.O.V. Phil



"Have you seen my black tanktop? I can't find it."

"Probably in the washing machine then. Please come downstairs to eat your breakfast."


I hear her footsteps on the stairs, I try to prepare for her appearance. I love her, but every time I see her I get reminded of him.


"Good morning."

"Good morning dad. Where is my cereal?"

I try to not look guilty, but she knows me, maybe even better than I know myself.

"You ate it again, didn't you?"

I look at the ground with a little smile on my face.

"I knew I heard you the other night!"

"Wait, what? I was eating that cereal last night at twelve o'clock. What were you doing awake around that time?"


"Yeah, that's what I thought."

I look straight into her eyes and for the first time I don't think about him ,but about how beautiful she is when she is looking down.

"Just kidding. You were probably texting you boyfriend..."

"No I wasn't I don't have one. If I did I would tell you, you know that. I'm not like Thomas."

"How do you mean you're not like me? Am I not good enough for the queen?"

"No. No you're not. Oh and don't even try to grab some cereal because Dad ate it again."

"Again? I'll go to the shop and get some."

"Fine, there is some money on the key table."

Thomas walks out the room and as soon as we hear the front door slam shut we start laughing.

"Did he just leave for the store in his PJ's?"

"Yes, he did! I can't believe I raised a exact version of me."

"I can't believe it either."

"So, what were you doing around twelve o'clock last night?"

"Watching youtube."


"No I was watching Game of Thrones."

"Yes. We can fangirl together!"

"Dad, please..."

"No you can't escape it anymore now! Jon Snow is hot right?"

"Fine. He is very hot and we can fangirl together if that would make you happy."

"No. If you would enjoy fangirling with me."

"I would tbh."

"I knew you would say that."

Jamie grabs a bowl and a spoon and we hear the front door open and close.

"Thomas? Are you back already?"

"No, it's me."

"Oh Rose. Hey."

"Thomas told me you have an emergency."

"Yup. We're out of cereal mum, Dad ate it again."

"Of cours he did. He has always done that."

"Don't shame me. I don't shame you when you have breakfast with ice cream."

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