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I'm so sorry for my long disappearance. I know I had said I wanted my updates to not be so far in between. I had to attend to some unavoidable issues that took my time, my days and my writing mojo. Bear with me, and I'm sure you'll forgive me, because you love Munawwarah too much! I'll try, try to be there for you more than before, as we journey together through the life and experiences of our dear Muni...

Munawwarah was in the sitting room, watching TV. Her mind wasn't actually in what she was watching. She had been walking on eggshells around the house for the past three months, as her husband had been constantly angry. She didn't understand it at all. This wasn't how she thought her house would be like. Tears stung her eyes as she listened to Umar moving around in the bedroom, looking for something she wasn't privy of. She was now five months pregnant. Yesterday, her baby kicked for the first time and she rushed excitedly to Umar to tell him. The look in his eyes told him he could care less. Why? She thought. Why was this happening to her marriage? At the back of her mind, a voice told her that Firi had a lot to do with this. She scolded herself immediately. Why would she think a figment of her imagination is the cause of her woes? Speaking of which, she hasn't dreamt of him for a long while now. She wondered why he has been inconsistent since she got pregnant. As she was about chiding herself for her insane thoughts, her husband came into the sitting room.
"I'm going out, won't be back until late. " He said.
"Where are you going darling, today is Sunday. " Munawwarah asked.
"Woman, what errand did you send me that you are asking for my destination?! Just...just don't get me angry right now. "
"Angrier...",she said to herself.
Then she stood up to go lock the door behind him. She rubbed her bump unconsciously, thinking about going to visit her mum, maybe she could advise her on how to make her husband happy with her.

Suddenly, she felt a tickling sensation around her thighs, like a hand was caressing each thigh. She was putting on a bum shorts so the sensation was more pronounced. She moaned softly as the hands moved upwards towards where she was already feeling wetness. Immediately, her reasoning came back, and she looked around to find no one in the room with her. Her first thought was to run out of the house, but she stood there, paralysed with fear, and desire.

As the hands started moving towards her bosoms, she closed her eyes and resigned herself to her traitorous body reaction.
"Open your eyes my darling, "
She should have been surprised to find someone in front of her. She should have screamed to the heavens or even dash out of the house with a strange man(well,not so strange anymore) suddenly materializing from thin air in front of her. Instead she said,
"you've been away for so long Firi. "
Now, she can admit that she has finally gone insane, officially.
Firi gave her one of his charming smiles. "Let's make up for those times, shall we? "

Munawwarah woke up very tired, and very naked. She could still remember the intense coitus she just had with her handsome man. She felt terrible and guilty now, though. She couldn't understand why she's unable to resist him. She made a mental note to see a psychiatrist at the hospital the following day, as her imagination was getting out of hand.
She got up and checked the time, it was still afternoon. She could still go to her parent's. With a sigh, ,she got up to freshen up and prepare to go out.

"I'm sure you've not been a strong source of comfort to him as per his predicament. You've been too busy, and maybe that's why he's angry with you." That was what IyaKadi, her mum's sister said.
Munawwarah was riled up beyond words. Why would she say such? Did she have an idea what she was going through? What was she even doing at her parent's house today of all days?
"Don't worry my dear, " her mum said. " As soon as he gets a new job, he will start acting normal again. "

Munawwarah wasn't too sure of that.

"Yes," IyaKadi continued for her mum.


"Men have such heightened ego they don't like been weak or being in a weak state. Not having a job for a man makes him look weak. "

Not an excuse for a man to mistreat his pregnant new wife, Munawwarah thought.
Then it occurred to her that maybe she could tell her mum about the strange visits she's been having. Of course she will have to wait for IyaKadi to leave.

As she was watching them discuss about their business,she felt the need to visit the ladies. Her bowel movements have been almost absent, so she was relieved that she finally had the urge. As she stood up to go to the toilet, she had a popping sound; and felt water gushing involuntarily between her legs.

"My baby!!" she screamed.

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