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I woke up to the sound of sobbing beside my bed. I was awake, but as usual, my eyes were closed. I knew my mum Was The one sobbing. Maryam was trying to calm her down.
"I've not even be able to reach Umar after that first time, " she lamented.
"I'll call him again, don't worry ma, " Maryam replied.
I opened my eyes halfway and realised Umar's mum was also beside my bed. She was quiet but her eyes were swollen. I knew she was a bit ashamed of her son's behavior.
The door to my ward opened with such force I jerked my head up. My husband stood in the doorway, looking rough with bloodshot eyes. His mum stood up and started talking fast, "where have you been, what happened to you, what is wrong?! "
Umar ignored everyone in the room and walked straight to me. I felt like my heart was in my throat. My mouth was dry with fear. Staring at me with contempt, he said, "What did you do to my baby?? "
Immediately he opened his mouth, I retched with the nauseating smell coming from his mouth. Subhanallah, my husband has been drinking alcohol! How did this happen?
"Have you been drinking? " I asked with a trembling voice.
The smile he gave me sent chills down my spine. I felt lightheaded as I heard the two mothers also exclaiming and widening their eyes in surprise and disgust.
"I don't have time for these," was all he said before he turned and walked out on everyone.
I closed my eyes as I listened to the two mothers bawling and crying their eyes out, with Maryam saddled with the job of consoling them. I slept off.


Idris Babs woke up suddenly with Munawwarah's name on his lips. It's been a while since he got her phone number, yet he hadn't been opportuned to call her. He's been so busy with the relocation to a new, bigger house, he didn't have the time for anything else.
After his cleaning up, salaah, adhkar and checking on his dad, he was in his car on his way to see the lady doctor. He couldn't believe that she's not been at the forefront of his mind all this while. That's what happens when one is too busy with stuffs, he mused. He wondered how his life would be when he eventually got married. At thirty two, most of his agemates were married with kids, but he just hasn't found that girl that fits. His dad's job also scares the ladies a little, because Idris also helps him as a part-time job. To Idris, it's not a job really, but a calling. He sighed as he drove into the hospital's Parking lot. Before he got out of the car, he tried Munawwarah's number numerous time but it wasn't going through. He decided to just go in and hope to find her.
As he got out of the car, his heart skipped a bit when he saw a hijabi with lab coat on. He ran after her immediately panting "Salam alaykum Doctor!"
The doctor turned round and looked at him, perplexed. Idris realised he had made a mistake but the doctor in front of him was still a familiar face.
"You were with Dr. Munawwarah Shittu the day I accosted her at that entrance, " Idris said, pointing towards the hospital entrance and smiling.
"Yes I was. I'm Dr. Maryam Soge, her friend. "
Idris was pleased with himself that he at least got that right.
"Is she at the hospital? I've been trying her number and it's not going through at all. "

"Yes she is, " Maryam replied. "But she isn't working. She's admitted in one of the private wards on the second floor. "
Idris looked confused, then agitated. Admitted?!
"What's wrong with her, please, can I see her? "
Maryam was silent for a while.
"Okay, follow me. "


Munawwarah's mum, Hajia Davies, was distraught. Losing her long anticipated grandchild was sad enough. The attitude of her son in law only worsened things. She's known Umar since forever. How come he's exhibiting such unthinkable behavior? To his wife, his mum and even her? Something was terribly wrong, and she needed to get to the bottom of it. As she drove out of the hospital, she had only one destination in mind, Alfa Anas's place. She was sure he would know what was going on. Asides from being the Imam of his local masjid, he also dabbled in the unseen. His grandfather was a powerful occult priest in his time, and he passed his knowledge to his descendants. Alfa Anas does not disclose his dual life to people except a favored few. Of course if he did, he will be condemned by many, since he was a Muslim leader in public. But as he once told Hajia Davies, " If you are not smarter than your peers, prepare to be relegated! "
It has been ten years since Hajia Davies visited him. Even though she watched his weekly TV program with other members of the house, she knew that going there would only stir up wrong memories. Memories she would do anything to wipe off.
Well, she had no choice now. She had to visit him no matter what. Something was definitely wrong.

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