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Umar sat beside Munawwarah, his eyes bloodshot from crying. He felt like everything was his fault. He had been so angry with Munawwarah- for no just reason-and now things were getting worse for them.
Munawwarah's friend was saying something about someone coming for prayers. He didn't mind, as long as it aided Munawwarah's well-being.

Umar didn't know how long he sat there, holding Munawwarah's hand; but he realized there was a new voice in the room. Thinking it was just one of the doctors, he didn't bother checking out the person. Then Maryam spoke softly,
"Umar, the Raaqi is here."

Umar turned around and was surprised to find a young handsome man as the raaqi. He had assumed that most Alfas were old men with grey beards and always on religious garbs. This man in front of him looked like an executive of a company, dressed casually. Something else was still trying to come up his mind when the raaqi held out his hands to Umar.
"Idris Babs, at your service."
Umar took his hands and mumbled his name, then sat down to listen to what Idris Babs had to say.
"I'm sorry about your wife's situation Sir. I can't imagine how you feel right now, but I'm sure that she will be well again, God willing."
"Thank you Mr. Idris." Umar replied. "How do you plan to help my wife?"
"The ruqya is a means of complementing the medical treatment she is already getting." Idris went on. "If there is any reason other than medical that she's this way, in Sha Allah the ruqya will make healing faster and holistic."

Umar didn't know what to say. Even though he was a good Muslim by his own standards-at least he performed salah regularly until recently; he fasted during Ramadan - he has never been one to believe in anything outside the scientific world he is used to.
He watched as Maryam covered Munawwarah's hair with a headscarf and pulled a chair closer to her head, so that the raaqi could speak close to her ears. Munawwarah's sisters were also hanging around the room looking dismayed. Maybe they felt the way he did too. Only Maryam and the Idris guy seemed hopeful about what they wanted to do.
Let them do what they like and help his wife through spiritual means. What's the worst that could happen?

Alhaj Davies had left the hospital, his mind was so muddled up he didn't know where to go. At last, he resorted to going to his friend, the Imam of the masjid where they observe Jum'ah, close to the house.
Asides being the imam of the area's masjid, imam Haroon was also Alhaj Davies' friend and confidant. Alhaj Davies always visited the imam, at least once a week, at his office located in the masjid compound; and they would discuss different things; from politics to Muslim youths to living as a Muslim in their corrupt environment.

With no other choice in mind, Alhaj Davies drove towards the masjid.

"Please calm down Alhaj," Imam Haroon placated the weeping man.
The imam was so sad. How could a woman keep such a secret for twenty five years? Why would she do that in the first place, as a Muslimah?

The situation only buttressed the fact in his mind that humans were fickle; and only Allah knows who is truly pious of heart.

Patience. That was what most people lacked. And that has always brought about avoidable problems upon them.

Good things have never been easy to accomplish, hence, patience during adversity has always been a difficult thing for people to have. Whoever said being patient was easy? If it was, Allah would not have repeatedly admonish the believers about Sabr- Patience - in the Quran.

When the Imam felt Alhaj Davies was calm enough, he spoke,
" I am sure this is a bitter pill for you to swallow, Alhaji. However, I will still admonish you to be patient in the face of this trial.
Allah has blessed you with other children, which shows that you are not impotent... "
"How am I even sure they are my children?!" Alhaji Davies wailed.

"Do not let shaitan use you because of this issue, Alhaji!" The Imam answered.
"They are your children in Sha Allah, and I am sure your wife never mentioned anything contrary to that?"

Alhaji Davies was silent.

"Besides, mere looking at them makes it so obvious they are your progeny. They've got all your facial features, your character, your complexion; the semblance is so strong even though they are girls. There can never be a need for a DNA test with those ones. "

Alhaji Davies' lips showed a hint of a smile.

The imam continued, "This brings to mind my next suggestion. I know your wife has confessed her misdeeds concerning Munawwarah's conception. But I still feel we can't make conclusions on Munawwarah's paternity based on that alone."

Alhaji Davies wanted to say something but was cut short by the Imam.

"During those times you were trying to conceive with your wife, was there anytime the two of you abstained from sexual relations for a long period of time?"

Alhaji Davies thought for a while.

"We were quite sexually active then, because we were always hoping that the next coitus would bring forth our desires. Even when I traveled then, I was seldom away for more than a week, and we were always quite conscious of her ovulation period."

"So, why don't you conduct a paternity test on Munawwarah, to be totally sure she is really not your daughter?"

Thank you for being with Munawwarah all this while! Please vote for this chapter, and comment on how you feel about the situation.
Is Munawwarah Alfa Anas's or Alhaji Davies' daughter?
PS: The name 'Awwal' has been changed to 'Anas' in previous chapters. So our evil cleric's name is Alfa Anas!

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