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Hajia Davies drove into the compound of Alfa Anas. Unlike most Islamic clerics in town, his own house was more described as a palace. It was a two storey building with with the whole ground floor for 'consultancy' and prayer rooms. There was a separate building in the compound, housing the mosque and the madrasah.
As Hajia Davies walked towards the reception, a hijabi with face fully painted with excessive make up smiled at her.
"Salaam alaykum ma'am. What can we do for you today? "
"Please I'll like to see Alhaji Anas. "
"Do you have an appointment with him today ma? " The receptionist probed further.
"No, just tell him Hajia Davies, Ummu Munawwarah. "
The receptionist picked the telephone, dialed and spoke in hushed tones into the mouthpiece.
"Third room to the left ma'am." She quipped.
Mumbling a weak "thanks", Hajia Davies moved towards her destination.

Her heart pounded dangerously as she walked towards the door. It's been ten years. The last time she was here, Munawwarah was so ill she wasn't even speaking anymore. The doctors were ordering one test after another without any reasonable progress. Hajia Davies was so scared of losing her child, she ran to Alfa Anas for help. She remembers the day like it was yesterday; how she was weeping profusely on her knees, holding on to him and begging for his help. Even then, she wouldn't have gone to him knowing the type of person he was. She was just so desperate. As she is now. Desperate.

Dr. Maryam Soge pushed the door to Munawwarah's room open, entered and closed it back, barring further entry.
"Muni, you've got a visitor, can he come in? "
"Is it my husband?" Munawwarah asked. Her face fell as Maryam shook her head.
"It's that Babs guy that got your phone number the other day. "
"Okay let him come in," Munawwarah said wearily as she adjusted her pashmina over her head.
Idris Babs was allowed in and he moved consciously towards the chair beside the bed, too dumbstruck to say anything; Munawwarah's face looked puffy and sad. Idris felt his heart ache. At last he said something.
"What happened sis?"
"I lost my baby... My pregnancy,"
"Subhanallah, I'm so sorry about that. " Idris intoned. He felt depressed suddenly, not knowing if it was because of the lost pregnancy or because he didn't know she as actually married.
"Don't worry, Allah will bless you with children that will be coolness of your eyes." He continued. "When are you going to be discharged?"
Munawwarah didn't seem as if she wanted to answer that question, s Maryam helped her.
"She's been discharged some forty five minutes ago, but her husband isn't picking calls yet, I was going to go get permission from my consultant to take her home myself when you approached me."
"Oh... " , was all Idris could say. Then a ridiculous thought burst forth from his mind.
"Can I drive her home instead? You could then check on her after work,"
The way Maryam's brows furrowed showed she didn't support the idea. What's this guy's deal?
Before she could say something, Munawwarah broke the silence,
"Yes, Mr. Babs, take me to my parents' place."

Alfa Anas's 'office' looked like something out of a classical novel. Rows of bookshelves as high as the ceiling filled one side of the very big room. Hajia was sure most of the books were just for show; keeping up appearances as a serious 'Aalim. His beautiful custom-made wide desk was filled with heaps of files, probably of clients. The room smelled of sickly sweet incense it was almost chocking. There was a loveseat at the opposite side of the bookshelves with a mini-fridge just beside it. At the farther end of the room was a door leading to another room, that she hoped she didn't have to find out what was behind it.
"Salam alaykum my Hajia, it's been a long while, no?" Alfa Anas spoke softly, showing his yellow teeth in a way that made Hajia cringe unconsciously, with disgust, and fear.
"Wa alaykum salaam Alfa, I'm sorry to barge in unannounced, but it is Munawwarah again. Something is wrong. I can feel it."

Munawwarah let herself into her parents' house with the key under the pot of plant outside the house. Idris was gone already, promising to check on her later. A decent man, she thought, he didn't even come into the house with her. She sighed as she reclined on the settee, and gradually dozed off.
Munawwarah sat on the rock and watched as the sea roared in front of her. She couldn't keep her eyes off the foamy waves; mesmerizing, she thought. As the sun moved down as if disappearing into the horizon, she closed her eyes and imagined swimming in the roaring sea towards the beautiful red ball of the sun, and disappearing together.
"We could swim together my darling. "
She started at the voice beside her. As she looked up, she wasn't too surprised it was Firi standing beside her.
"What do you say? " he continued.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"I'm here to take you home."
"I'm home already,"
"Nah, not your parents', your real home... Under the oceans...with me... "
Munawwarah frowned, a little confused with what he was saying. Suddenly, she felt she wasn't sitting on the rock anymore; she was in the water, and slowly sinking. She was so scared, and the voices she was hearing filled her with horror.
"When she felt she was about to be swallowed wholly by the waters, she also screamed, "Allah help me!"
She was still screaming when she woke up from the dream.

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