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Hello!!!!! Today was probably one of the best days of my life!!💙

I woke up at 6, went to the barn at 7, went to the show at 9 and didn't get home til 8:30😂

#isurvivedtheschoolingring 😂
Let me tell you, the schooling ring was INSANE. Over 30 horses trotting/cantering in different ways...super scary..lol

Christina moves out at shows omg. She was going very fast, framed so nicely and I barely had to push her on!

At One point tho, she started neighing then all of sudden cantered a few strides. Thank God I was quick and stopped her before something bad happened 😂

My trainer then got on her and schooled her for a while so that she was nice and light.

Then around 2:30, it was time for my first class...

I was a nervous wreck!! I was so scared that the stirrup would turn, my heels would fall out, Christina would canter again...

The first class was SNEHA (show series name)Open Walk/Trot Pleasure.

There was over 12 people. Adults, kids, western, English.

I smiled so big and framed Tina up very nicely. She neighed a few times, but didn't canter. She kept trying to push me off the Rail tho🙄 and got so close to the judge I almost ran her over... Then they asked for an extended trot and I knew it was over..my eq fell apart and I didn't even know if I was doing it right..

5 minutes later...

I won

My first class

In my first show

Honestly, I didn't think I deserved first, but according to the judge I did!!

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Honestly, I didn't think I deserved first, but according to the judge I did!!

When they said:
"In first place, rider 596-"

I almost cried. An actual tear rolled down my face😂 I was SO happy!!

Then after that, I watched my friend ride in w/t/c and then soon it was time again!

Walk/Trot Horsemanship 11-17yrs

I think this was my best class out of all tbh. Christina neighed a few times, but she framed and bend really well. She did push me into the middle tho...

But her halts were so crisp, her traditions down to the walk were golden and her back was amazing!!

After that...

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