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I'm Laila 17 a senior about 5'4 Yea short ik I'm black and have a pretty good figure DDD cup boobs bigish butt and a small pudge I know what u thinking damn you must pull niggas left n right well no there more interested in lightskins or mixed girls so fuck them I'm not popular in school hell no one hardly knows I'm there unless I Answer a question or get smart with one of the "popular" girls I live with my mom and little brother but he might as well be my son he's 11 months and I've been taking care of him since he came out literally see my mother is a heavy drinker some days she gets so wasted she beats me up and I can't hit her she's my mother it's suprisng my brother is even here she drunk through he whole pregnancy with him when he can out he was 3.2 pounds luckily he picked up with quickly My dad he's not in the picture I don't even know him nor do I want to. I've went this long without him but every now and then he'll send money I work at this strip club called Toxic Yes I'm a stripper but imma do wat I need to so we can survive

Wassup I'm Cameron 18 6'2 yea tall af n proud I'm light skinned and got a good ass body I guess I'm considered popular Oh BTW I'm gay AS FUCK I'm a stud For those who don't know what that is I like to wear boy clothes n no not cuz I wanna be a boy cuz there comfortable I live with my mom but not for long I hope, shes a crack head and She's done some crazy shii for example I have a baby sister she 6 months and she did drugs the whole pregnancy Baby girl came Out small af like she could fit in my hand and thankfully she picked up weight fast she chunky now she's my lil chocolate mama between her and my grandma those 2 got my whole heart I have never been in a real relationship because I don't do that love shii I was taught If u show love it's weakness and that gets you killed

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