28 ~Clear~

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*Later that day*
Cameron POV
After that talk with boss I needed to clear my mind because it cleared a lot but also left a lot cloudy I wanna let Lai in but I wanna keep her safe so I went to my Nanas she always knows what to say when I walked in She was sitting on the couch watching tv and Yahli pulling her self up with the table she's gotten so big I couldn't help but to pick her up I've missed her so much

Nana- Well hello too you to
Me- *laughs* hey nana
Nana- Haven't seen u in a while 2 weeks to be exact
Me- I know I know alots been going on and staying away I knew y'all would b safer
Nana- I still would like to see u more
Me- You will soon I promise
Nana- I know what you b doing Cameron and I don't like it your a smart girl you could be something big
Me- Nana I've told you before that just not realistic for me anymore
Nana- Yea they are
Me- Nana my future was determined a long time ago by the cards I was dealt at birth
Nana- It's your decision how u play them Cameron
Me- Nana I will think about it ok
Nana- Thats all I ask now what's wrong u look distressed
Me- You read me like a book huh
Nana- Yep so what's going on
Me - I want to keep Lai out of the loop to keep her safe kinda like u and Yahli and she just wants me to let her know everything and I wanna tell her but it's like what if it puts her in harms way
Nana - You know your grandfather was the same way
Me- Really
Nana- Yep didn't wanna tell me anything I mean I knew what he did but he left big details out saying it was for my safety until the house got invaded and I got kidnapped
Me - Did Granddad get you
Nana- He would have but I escaped way before he got there every since then he wanted me by his side god rest his soul
Me - You was a shooter
Nana - Who u think u get it from
Me- 😂My nana a OG
Nana- and you better believe it so just let her in it'll do more good then bad I promise
Me- Nana as soon as all this over I'm getting a big house on the hill and your living with us
Nana - Of course baby
Me- Thank you nana
Nana - Your welcome baby
Me- I better get going

After that I hugged my nana and Yahli and left I honestly love my family it's not that big but it's mine and I will do anything to protect it When I got back into the house I went upstairs to see Laila laying down wit khari beside her sleep I walked into the room further and closed the door

Me- Ok your right I deserve that you don't have to talk to me but I wanna apologize for keeping you outside the loop I know now that it will so more harm then good and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it and I won't do it again
Laila- Who knocked sense into you
Me- Nana
Laila- Figures
Me- With that being said I'm leaving Friday
Laila- The hell leaving where
Me- Babe I'm gonna tell you everything Saturday I promise
Laila-So after all that I want you to be in the loop bullshit I'm still lost
Me- no baby I just can't tell you here I'll tell You when we have another meeting I promise
Laila- So what I'm just supposed to let ya ass leave Friday n be cool until you come back
Me-Baby it's not like that
Laila- Then what is it like then for all ik ya ass could be leaving to fuck them other Bitch's
Me- Bitch's ? Where that come
Laila- Your never here what else U want me to think
Me- I'm working to Protect You protect Khari protect all of us I'm not just leaving to leave baby I swear I'm not
Laila- Mhm
Me- And there's no other Bitch's so cut that shit all the way out
Laila- Whatever Princess
Me- You serious right now
Laila- It's whatever Cameron

After that Laila left the room and I wanted to go after her but I don't know what else to say to her it's like the more I try to do good the more she finds the negatives in shit like I'm doing this for her for our son for our future I was so stuck in my thoughts i didn't even notice she left Khari I looked behind me to see him sleep I took my shirt and pants off and laid next to him I could use a nap as well

Laila POV
I'm tired of her keeping shit from me I'm
Not a little girl who needs to be protected and I want her to see that after i left the room I went for a walk ik I shouldn't have but I needed to clear my mind as I was walking down the street I got lost on my thoughts and just walked I didn't even know where I was going after about an hour I turned back around and headed back
To the house that walk cleared my head a lot when I walked in the house everyone was standing at the door looking relieved

Me- What
Dad- We thought they got you you've been gone for hours
Me- seriously

I looked at my phone to see 4 hours had passed and I had 100 missed calls and msgs damn I was walking and thinking so much I didn't even notice my phone

Me- Oh shit I'm so sorry
Ms.Tina- It's ok but it's dangerous out there for you right now
Me1 I know and I'm so sorry where's Cameron
Dad- Upstairs Tina gave her melatonin because she started to have panic attacks we thought we lost you
Me- Where's Khari
Ms.Tina- In our room sleep we'll watch him tonight
Me- Thank you

After that I went to our room and laid next to Cameron as soon as I Laid down she turned facing me and wrapped her arms around me

Cam- I thought they had taken you
Me- I know and I'm so sorry
Cam- I just started thinking the worse

I could tell she was crying I couldn't see her face because the room was dark with only the moonlight shinning in

Me- I'm ok babe I'm ok
Cam- I love you so much and I want to tell you everything because you need to be aware of the danger your in
Me- You dont have to tell me
Cam- No babe you need to know and earlier confirmed it

After that she explained to me what there past meetings had been about and the plan for this weekend after everything was laid out I understood why they reacted the way they did after that we cuddled until we went to sleep I feel so safe in her arms

Cam- Baby
Me- Yes
Cam- What are your thoughts on Marriage
Me-😂It's cool for some people
Cam- Ever pictures it for yourself
Me- Yea but nothing I'm pressed on if it happens it does if it doesn't it doesn't
Cam-You want my last name
Me- Nah I'm good
Cam-*straight face*
Me- I'm joking I would love to have your last name
Cam- Trust me one day you will
Me- And after that I want 2 more babies
Cam- You can have whatever u want
Me- And a dog
Cam- Ok babe
Me- Oh and For you to leave the gang
Cam- Baby
Me-Not right now but promise me you won't do this forever I don't wanna be home worrying if your coming home
Cam- I am
Me- You dont always know that just promise me after we're married with more kids you'll get out or atleast won't get your hands dirty like my dad did
Cam- I promise my queen
Me- Oh and
Cam- I want sex 2 times a day
Me- Ok daddy
Cam- Tale ya ass to sleep before I start sum
Me- Ok ok goodnight I love you
Cam- I love you to my queen

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