26 ~ Apologies ~

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Rose POV
I woke up around 6 to begin my day like usual we had Testing today but I could leave after I took and a shower and put on

After that I grabbed my bag and walked out the door when I sat in my car my phone started going off I looked and seen it was message from Cameron

Best C☘️ - Get to my house now

It was prolly sum about the trap I was boutta say fuck it and go take this test but I wasn't trinna hear her mouth I pulled out the driveway and was At Cameron's in 10 mins I got out and locked my doors when I got to the door I walked right in we don't knock when I walked in I saw Cameron sitting and Lai looking stressed

Me- what happened is it something with the trap
Cam - it's jas
Me- tf u mean it's jas what she a op now
Cam - jas got in a car accident yesterday
Me - what no she didn't
Cam - yea she did yas called me this morning

After I heard that my heart broke

Me- what happened is she ok
Cam- they don't know yet
Me- she has to be ok

After that I started crying She has to be ok I know we weren't talking but she can't leave me at least not like that Lai came to give me a hug

Lai- were going to the hospital
Me- ok lets go wait where's my godson
Cam- wit my gma he good
Me- oh ok let's go

After that we got into cam car and Lai drive to the hospital when we got there we walked in to see nicki and yasmine sitting in the waiting room we walked over to them

Lai- they say anything yet
Nicki- she's in ICU

When I heard those words I knew how serious it was then it started to feel like I couldn't breath and the room started to spin

After rose said where jas was I looked over to Rose and she started to stumble and was about to fall but cam caught her and sat her in a seat

Cam- just breath rose
Nicki- imma go get her some water * walks away*
Lai - rose listen you need to breath

She started to steady her breathing and Nicki Gave her some water just as she was getting herself together a doctor came out

Doctor- Family of Jasmine Centino

We all stood up
Doctor- any of you immediate family
Yasmine- were twins
Doctor- ok um she has some minor bruising but a piece of glass stuck into her side
Me- is she ok
Doctor - yea we removed the glass and there sewing her up now
Cam - why was she in icu
Doctor- when she came in she was unconscious and bleeding out but we did our best and she pulled through
Yasmine- can we go see her
Doctor- of course room 212B
Us- thanks you

And with that the doctor walked away we all went into her room and she was laying down watching tv when she noticed our presence she turned her head

Yasmine- are you ok don't ever scare me like that *punches her *
Jasmine- oww damn I'm sorry
Cam- I'm just happy your ok
Nicki- me too bruh
Lai- ik I was mad at you but Idk what would have happened if u wasn't ok
Jasmine- I wasn't going out that easily
Cam- what happened anyway
Jasmine- crying while driving and then this car came outta no where
Nicki- wym like u was looking or
Jasmine- no like I was on the right side but a car swerved and I couldn't miss it
Yasmine- all that matters is that your ok

We all then looked to rose who was standing silently next to the door

Me- hey y'all we should go get food
Cam- I'm not
Me-* elbows her*
Cam- tf u do that for I'm not
Me- *does it again *
Cam- stop women damn I'm not fucking
Cam- damn all u had to say

With that all of us walked out except rose

Rose POV
Everyone left and it was just me and her so many emotions were running through my head it was hard to piece them together

Jasmine- you can come closer

I took few steps closer but still kept my distance then it was silence and it was getting awkward and making me uncomfortable

Jasmine- I'm sorry
Me- you couldn't avoid the accident
Jasmine- no for hurting you I'm really sorry and I know that doesn't fix anything but I will do whatever it takes for you trust me I was
Taking you for granted and I will never do that again I'm dumb asf I have one of the worlds most kind sweetest person in my life and I never wanna lose you
Me- so now since you realize what u want I'm supposed to come to you with open arms
Jasmine- no of course not I want to work for it because your worth it and i feel like a dumb ass for not realizing it sooner please forgive me
Me- I accept you apology but how do ik after this is all over with you won't go back to them hoes

She then grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes

Jasmine- I was dumb ok no fuck that I am dumb I have a women who is perfect for me you have been here from the start when I didn't have shit and I didn't appreciate it and you stayed after all I put you through and it's crazy that I didn't see it all before but I see it now When I thought u wouldn't ever forgive me it was like a piece of me had left because it did you a piece of me one of the best and I never wanna lose you I will do whatever it takes to make sure you never leave me I love you I love the way you smile the way you don't give af about what no one says the way you smell the way you care about my son like he's yours I'm in love with you and I'm sorry it took me forever to realize it but I do

Those words I've been waiting to hear for so long but I still don't trust her fully

Me- I love you to

After those words left my mouth the door open and in fell cam,yas,Nicki and Lai they all stood up

Yas- how did that happen
Me- how much y'all hear
Nicki- all of it you got her ass whipped
Cam- so what does this mean
Jasmine-will you be my girlfriend Rosalina
Cam- damn the government tho...
Lai - shut up cam

They all looked at me waiting for a response

Me- yea Jasmine I will
Yasmine- it's a bout damn time
Nicki- ayee maybe now ya ass will get laid and won't be so uptight
Me- that won't come for a long time
Jasmine- wait how long
Me- ik ya ass
Jasmine- I'm just playing I would wait forever for you
Me- good cuz I did it for you

Marina POV
Me- she woke up
Katrina-wat the fuck y'all can't do shit right
Me- it wasn't my job to
Katrina- I'll have to do it myself damn

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