5~So Gone~

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Cameron POV
I was in my Bed sleep when there was a knock on my door I looked at my clock and it read 3am who tf is here at 3am I went downstairs and looked through the peep hole to see a beat up Laila when I opened the door she halfway fell into my arms I layed her on the couch and went to put Malikai in the Bassinet in Yahli room and closed the door a little than went downstairs to get Laila when I got down there I tried to pick her up but she kept restraining like she though I couldn't lift her up

Me-why won't u let me pick u up mami
Laila-*crying*I'm to heavy
Me-no ur not

After that I just picked her up bridal style and brought her to my room I went to the bathroom and sat her on the sink and started running bath water while I went to my closest I got a T-shirt and a pair of boxers than I went back in th bathroom the tub was full so I turned it off than I walked over to laila and started to Pull her shirt off but she halfway screamed

Me-im not gonna hurt you I just want to get you in the bath
Laila-i got it can u leave please
Me-yea sure

I ain't wanna push her cuz idk exactly what happened but while she was in the bath I went Downstairs and made a sandwich and brought it upstairs after about a hour I heard the water going down the drain so I went in the bathroom and she was looking at herself In the mirror so I picked her up and brought her to my bed and layed Down with her til she fell asleep after she was sleep I went in the bathroom and saw blood in her panties and joggers so I threw them away and went to lay back down with her after about a hour she woke up screaming and crying so I cradled her

Me-its OK mami it's ok
Laila-they hurt me really bad I don't wanna go back
Me-you don't have to I got you where do u hurt baby
Laila-*crying*between my legs and it burns
Me-you wanna go to the hospital
Laila-no, I should be good

After that she layed her head on me and started to go to sleep but jumped up after Laila kept moving

Laila-it really hurts Cam
Me-come on mami imma take you to the hospital
Laila-I hate hospitals
Me-i understand but I don't wanna see u in pain so please for me
Laila-ok I need clothes
Me- look in that draw it has clothes like joggers

After that I through on some sweats and a beater than went to Yahli room I just put her in a car seat with a blanket and did the same for Malikai with the extra car seat I carried Laila to the car first than. The babies than we left

When we got there the took her to a room and I was allowed to go back There because she gave permission right now they just checked her vitals and stuff

Me-does it still hurt
Laila-*crying*yea worse and it really burns
Me-im so sorry mami
Laila-its not ur fault

After that a female doctor walked in with a clipboard

Doctor-ok I Need to ask you a Few questions so I know what we're looking for
Doctor-so the nurse asked have you had sexual inter course in the last week you said yes but forced so you we're raped am I correct
Doctor-ok do u know if they used protection
Doctor-was the sexual assault by male or female

After that the doctor asked a few more question than left and laila started to Cry so I just rubbed her back because idk how she feels about being touched right now after that another doctor walkes in, a male, this time he had on gloves

Laila-*shaking*what are you doing
Doctor-Im gonna do a rape kit to see whats going on

When the doctor got closer to her she started freaking out and screaming

Me-baby it's ok it's ok
Laila-hes not touching me
Me-ok ok it's ok can she have the female doctor
Doctor-yea sure

After that he walked out and the female came back in

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