I am who I am, aren't I?

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This chapter is dedicated to all the people who are trying to figure out themselves.

"I am who I am, I am who I was, and I am who I will always be." - Merlin

If someone asks you "Who are you?", what will your answer be? I bet the majority of you will answer him by telling your name, even though your name doesn't represent who you really are. So can you honestly say that you know everything about yourself?

Now, I want you to go to your past and think carefully. Have you ever had a moment in your life where you got surprised for doing something that you never expected yourself to do? If you knew yourself very well, then you wouldn't have been surprised at such moments now, would you? So stop observing other people and start observing yourself. Trust me, you will be surprised to find how much you didn't know about yourself.

People view you in different ways. Your parents view you in one way, your friends view you in another way, and strangers view you in a total different way. But how do you view yourself? You shouldn't mind how other people view you because you are not the person others think you are. What matters is how you view yourself.

Do you give yourself enough credit for who you are right now? Are you satisfied with who you are? Do you feel guilty for not being the person you wanted to be? Do you think you should have been a better person? I don't know how you will answer these questions, so I will tell you one thing: stop looking down on yourself. I may not know you, but I know that every single one of you who is reading this, has a story. A story, which there aren't enough words to explain. A story, which only you can truly understand. A story, which is full of your faults and insecurities. I don't know what your story is, but I won't hesitate to tell how lucky you are right now. You are breathing. You are alive. Yes, I know, you have been through a lot of pain. So have I. But have you ever considered why you are still alive after the pain you have gone through? That's because you are stronger than you think you are. Never underestimate yourself. Some of you might laugh it off when I say that you are stronger than you think you are, but you have no right to laugh it off because you don't even know your true self. 

So even though you might not be satisfied with who you are right now, give yourself some credit. Appreciate the efforts you took to become who you are. Don't judge yourself and don't treat yourself harshly. Most importantly, don't feel guilty for not being the person you wanted to be. You tried your best to become who you are; isn't that more than enough? You are awesome. You are unique. So trust me when I say that there is more to you than you think you are. Love yourself for who you are.


A/N: How is this chapter? Do you think you relate to this chapter even a little bit? If you do, then I hope you learned something from this chapter. I also used to look down on myself in the past because almost everyone around me looked down on me and I thought that what they were saying about me must be true. I started hating my whole existence. But after some time, I found people who looked up to me. They made me realise that everyone was wrong and there is more to me than everyone else think. From that day on, I started not to care what people say about me. They can judge me all they want and say whatever they want. I am me, and I won't let anyone change me. I am proud of who I am and I love myself very much. Share this chapter to spread awareness about loving yourself. Yes, this topic is in great need of awareness. When someone mentions something relating to "Love", you instantly see the person you love the most in your head, right? I bet the number of the people who see themselves in such a situation is even less​ than the number of fingers I have. So no matter what happens, always treasure yourself. Love yourself for who you are. Don't forget to vote and comment. Have a nice day!!!😊

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