Hatred and Love

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This chapter is dedicated to all the people who have ever hated someone or something.

"As long as there is love, there will be hate." - Minato (Naruto)

You may hate someone. You may hate something. If you are currently going to school, then I bet you hate school. You may even hate a subject or two. Hating specific things is human nature. Even a person who is close to being perfect has a certain thing to hate even though he might not admit it. If you also say that you don't hate anything, then all I can say is that you don't know yourself. You only know your conscious mind. I advice you to be honest to yourself and look deeply into your unconscious mind, the part of the mind that is hidden to everyone, including yourself. I am sure that you will find something you have been hating all the time, even though you didn't know about it.

Like I said earlier, hatred is human nature. But hatred is not a good feeling to have. The more you bear hatred, the more you fall into darkness. You grow up everyday and the amount of things you hate will only keep increasing. Just because you start hating a new thing doesn't mean that your hatred towards an old thing will disappear. The more you get new things to hate, the more your hatred piles up. In the end, that pile of hatred would be unbearable and hard for you to handle, and you won't be able to hold it any longer. That's when people finally snap and loose sight of themselves. That's when people start being unreasonable and take quick, unnecessary actions without giving it a second thought.

As you can see, the title of this chapter is "Hatred and Love". The reason for this is because there is only a thin line between hatred and love. But as hatred is a negative emotion, I will mostly talk about hatred in this chapter. As I said before, our pile of hatred will only keep increasing as time passes by. So we must do something to decrease that pile before it goes out of control. During the process of figuring out hatred, I found out two ways to decrease hatred, all though they may be a little bit hard to do. But you just have to keep in your mind that just because it's hard doesn't mean that it's impossible.

1. Thinking about the disadvantages of hatred.

Remember someone / something you hate the most. Now ask yourself these questions. What is your purpose of bearing hatred? Do you hate it because you want to hate it or because you just hate it? Have you ever thought of stopping hating it? Do you think you can stop hating it even if you wanted to?

Hatred comes to us naturally. That's why we must question ourselves whether it's worth it to bear hatred. You might say that bearing hatred is not a choice and hatred can't be controlled. What if I were to say that you are wrong? I am not saying that you can get rid of your hatred completely. What I am trying to say is that if you really want to get rid of your hatred even a little bit, you can do it, because even though the feeling of hatred comes to us naturally, bearing hatred is a choice we make unconsciously just because we genuinely hate someone / something. Does that make sense to you? Perhaps not. But don't worry because that's why I am here for you; to make your life simple no matter how complicated anything and everything could be.

Hatred is only born when you have a purpose to hate. Let's look at some examples. Let's say that you hate a person. You probably hate him because he has done or said something that you really despise. Maybe he still hasn't stopped doing that thing and it might be even getting in your nerves. Now ask yourself why you bear hatred towards him. Just because he did something you despise doesn't mean that you have to hate him. Bearing hatred towards a person will be a disadvantage to you in certain situations, especially if that person's intention is to rile you up. Letting go of the hatred towards him will be very hard for you, especially if that person has done something seriously despicable. But what is the use of hating him? What do you get out of it? I am not asking you to forgive him, even though forgiving will make it easier to get rid of your hatred. Just understand that no good comes out of bearing hatred towards him. If you only get negative results by bearing hatred towards him, then why should you bear that hatred any longer? You might say that he deserves your hate. But do YOU deserve it? Hatred towards HIM is born within YOU, not him.

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