Slender Dreams

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16th March, 2012
I'm beginning a log, because this is starting to become an obsession. I first began seeking out creepypastas to read a few weeks ago and I've not yet stopped. However a lot of the creatures and/or places that I've read in these stories have begun showing up in my dreams, there's probably nothing to it, but I'm writing everything down just in case something interesting happens.

23rd March, 2012
Okay so it's been a week since the last one, and I'll admit I'm getting paranoid about this now, the dreams are getting worse. The creatures and the locations, the shadows, they're all mixing together within the dreams themselves. Probably nothing. Probably. I've also noticed a lot of shadows at the edge of my vision, even during the day, which is weird, and it's also been difficult to sleep lately. I've found a few awesome songs related to creepypastas though, so I'm kinda having fun singing along to them. The Slender Man song is my favourite so far

25th March, 2012
it's only been two days but this is important. I saw the Slender Man! Not in a dream this time, but at the end of my street when I was on my way home after a party. I'd been drinking, but I know what I saw. If this keeps up I might have a story for the creepypasta site (I've been planning to write one, but had no inspiration)

1st April, 2012
haven't seen anything since last week's entry, but the dreams are still blurring together more and more, I'm seeing mixed versions of creepypasta creatures in dreams all the time now, Jeff the Killer with The Rake's hands. Less scary than either one separately, but it's still unsettling to be having dreams like that.

15th April, 2012
I've run out of famous pastas to read, I think the Russian Sleep Experiment got to me the most, I've been forcing myself to go to sleep every night, when I used to stay awake for days at a time, but remembering Jeff makes that difficult too. It's been two weeks since the last entry.

21st April, 2012
The dreams have stopped. But I've started seeing things in the daytime now, not just out of the corner of my eye either, but as soon as I blink the apparitions are gone. Just this afternoon I saw Slender Man at the end of my street, just standing there facing me, he was in the same place as last time but he was much more vivid. It scared the wits out of me and I took the long way home. Important note: this was in the middle of the day. Aren't monsters supposed to be limited to the dark?

24th April, 2012
it's getting harder and harder to sleep, every time I close my eyes I see him. I'm continuing this journal just in case something happens to me, that way they'll at least know what happened... I hope.

29th April, 2012
paranoid,'that's the only word I can use to describe myself right now. Jumping at every movement, everybody has noticed... even my spelling and grammar are suffering, thank fuck for spellcheck. One change from three days ago, it isn't just Slender Man anymore. This time I saw him standing with two other things next to him, I can only assume that these new ones are Hoody and Masky. I'm now sleeping with my knife under my pillow, finally the damn thing has a use.

2nd May 2012
it's definitely Hoody and Masky. All three of them were out the front of my house this afternoon when I got home, when I saw them, they turned and looked in my direction, I assume they were looking directly at me but it was hard to tell. They disappeared shortly after and I went inside to write this entry. Starting to think I might be going insane, either that or reading all those stories drew their attention to the other end of the world... you'd think Australia would be safe, all these stories are based in America somewhere, or Germany. But not here... still struggling with sleep, the nightmares are worse every day.

2nd May, 2012
woke up at about midnight to write this.. Slender Man attacked me in my nightmare. In my dream I was in a small dark room, the walls were all made of glass and I could see the sun outside, but inside the room was nearly pitch black. He was standing just outside the window, no mistaking it, the black suit and the crazily stretched arms and legs, he must have been ten feet tall. He stood there for what seemed like eternity just outside the glass with a fog building up around him. In the dream I screamed at him, demanding he tell me what he wanted, suddenly the glass shattered and I was pinned to the floor, with his ghastly tentacles choking me and crushing my ribcage at the same time. I woke up straight after that, and here's the insane part: my neck and ribs are bruised really badly; it looks like I tried to hang myself. I'll take a picture tonight.
Important note: What Does Slender Man want? Why has he come here? I'm going to ask a few people and read a few more Slender stories to see if I can locate a motive, he can't be doing this for no reason.

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