Chapter 2: Part 2

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*Late that night*

Angel: *Wakes up*

Prince: *holding her*

Angel: *Sigh*

*The next day*

Angel: *Goes to the mirror and glances at her naked body. She combs her hair with her fingers*

Prince: *Comes from behind places his hands around her hips* Mornin my angel.

Angel: *Stays silent*

Prince: *Moves his hands to her arms to her shoulders* *Whispers in her ear* Go put some clothes on. U makin me horny again. *Kisses her neck and leaves*

Angel: *Thinks* Oh my god I can't believe i let this psycho fuck me.....and i can't believe i enjoyed it

Prince: *Goes downstairs zipping his pants*

Tony: U got some didn't u

Prince: Hell yah. She know she loved it she just don't wanna admit it *They walk to his office*

Tony: How was she?

Prince: Chill Tony all up in my business

Tony: I just wanna know

Prince: *Sits down in his chair* She was good thas all I'm tellin u...and don't even think about tryin to get wit her

Tony: Come on man u know I wouldn't do that to u

Prince: I know I know I'm just warnin u thas all *Gets up* *Looks out the window* U know I got a lotta women....but this one...she's a jewel.

Tony: Lets face it man she don't even want chu. Hell she probably hates u

Prince: *Turns around and walks back to his chair* Its not about what she wants its about what I want*Sits down*...and i want to keep her here. She ain't gotta like me but she is my bitch and I know how to put her in her place when she outta line

Tony: Yah I know that

Prince: Then don't question my authority Tony

Tony: Whatever man

Prince: Get Jill make sure she dresses her and eats

Tony: Yes sir

*Later at the table*

Jill: *Eating breakfast with Angel* I gotta say that was a pretty smart move

Angel: What is?

Jill: U know I mean

Angel: Who told u?

Jill: Uh du-uh prince told me he never keeps secrets from me

Angel: Oh so y'all 2 together

Jill: No I'm a lesbian besides I work for him

Angel: Hm

Jill: But u his main woman

Angel: More like a hostage

Jill: Bitter....I like u..I think we're gonna get along just fine

Angel: *Moves her hair back*

Jill: Man u got some pretty hair r u half Italian?

Angel: No half Dominican

Jill: That's beautiful

Angel: Thanx....How long u been here?

Jill: Since '84

Angel: Oh

Jill: Yah unlike u a "hostage" I chose to work with him

Angel: *Rolls her eyes* Lucky u

Jill: *Giggles* *Drinks her juice* u finished eating?

Angel: Yah y?

Jill: Come on we gotta get u dressed for him

*Back in Prince's office*

Prince: *Shooting darts*

Tony: Hey boss

Prince: *Turns around*

Tony: Somebody wants to see u

Prince: Keep an eye on Angel *Walks out the office to his front door* Kyle?

Kyle: Was good dog u got some drugs for me? *Scratches his nose*

Prince: Kyle u know damn well I can't be doin business with u this time of day

Kyle: Come on man. I'll b real quick about it

Prince: Come back later *Heads back inside*

Kyle: Wait wait wait

Prince: *Turns around*

Kyle: I got the money right here man. *Holds out some cash* I'll give u extra if we do it now come on man help a brotha out

Prince: Its gonna b 200

Kyle: Fine *Gives him the money*

Prince: *Gives him the drugs from his pocket*

Kyle: *Takes it and runs off*

Prince: *Closes the door*

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