Chapter 11: Part 1

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Angel: You know him?

Terrence: *Shrugs* Maybe. Could be another person.

Angel: I guess. So you come here often?

Terrence: Oh hell yah. Imma regular. You should too

Angel: Your so right I really of need to get out more.

Terrence: Your a very beautiful woman

Angel: Thanx

Terrence: *Stares at her*

Angel: *Looks down and slightly backs away* You shouldn't get too close to me.

Terrence: I understand. But uh *Takes out his card out of his jacket pocket* If things with your "husband" don't work out *Puts it in her dress* Give me a call

Angel: *Looks at it*

Jill: *Comes out of the bathroom wiping her eyes*

Terrence: *Sees her and looks back at Angel* I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Angel *Disappears into the crowd*

Angel: *Turns around* Jill! *Rushes to her* Jill are you ok?


Angel: Come on I'll drive *Walks her to the entrance*

Bouncer: Woah ladies ladies. Leavin so soon?

Angel: Yah sorry. It was fun *Helps her to the car*

*In the car*

Angel: *Driving*

Jill: *Looking out the window in silence*

Angel: *Looks at her* Jill please talk to me

Jill: *Looks down*

Angel: Jill its ok. It was an accident right?


Angel: What?

Jill: I've liked you for some time now....

Angel: U sure that's not the alcohol talkin a lil bit?

Jill: I dunno

Angel: You know I don't roll like that right?

Jill: I know...I understand...

Angel: Look I'm sorry about what happened between you and Ingrid. Y'all should talk.

Jill: I'm sorry Angel....I hope this doesn't ruin you and Prince's relationship....Escpecially our friendship

Angel: U didn't ruin anything hun. Look lets just pretend it never happened deal?

Jill: Deal


*At Paisley Park*

Angel: *Puts on her night gown* *She gets in bed with Prince*

Prince: *Wakes up and wraps his arm around her*

Angel: *Lays on his chest*

Prince: *Falls back asleep*

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