Chapter 3: Part 2

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Prince: What did u think I was gonna say?

Angel: *Wipes her eyes* That u wanted me to get an abortion

Prince:.......*He walks away for a moment putting his hands on his hips his back facing her* My dad wanted me aborted...When my mother was pregnant with me....he pushed her down the steps as she was walking downstairs...

Angel: *Covers her mouth*

Prince: *Turns around* He did all that just to get rid of me...But I learned from HIS is precious....Y would I want to abort my child?....Nobody's THAT heartless


Prince: I gotta friend of mine who's a doctor....I'll....set up an appointment for u tomorrow

Angel: *She folds her arms* So...u care for me

Prince: *Gives her a stern look* Ur carrying my child....I have to own up to my responsibilities *Sigh* I got some things to do tonight and I want u to come with me I still don't trust u *Leaves the room*

Angel: *Sits down on the couch*

Jill: *Comes in* So what happened? *Sits next to her*

Angel: *He wants me to keep it*

Jill: U told him?!

Angel: Know he already knew

Jill: Damn Ang what r u gonna do?

Angel: At this point i don't know. I'll figure something out when the baby is born.

Jill: *Holds her hand*

Angel: *Looks up at her*

Jill: I'm here for u

*Later that night*

*At a night club*

*Angel and Jill r waiting in Tony's car*

Angel: Ugh y r we here again?

Jill: U know what the man said Angel to watch u. He went in there to take care of some business *Takes out a little pouch of cocaine and starts snorting*

Angel: *Looks at it with disgust*

Jill: Want some?

Angel: R u crazy? I'm pregnant

Jill: Hey my mom drunk AND snorted while she was pregnant with me and I turned out fine *Continues snorting*

Angel: *Couldn't help but laugh*

Jill: Wha-at?

Angel: Ur too much

Jill: Yah I get that a lot *She lowers herself to Angel's stomach* Hi baby! U think it can hear me?

Angel: Of course! *Giggles*

Jill: Hi boo boo! I'm ur mommy's friend

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