Award Function

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27th December, 2017
Paris, France.

World's most romantic and beautiful place. Streets are crowded with people even when it's almost 11:30 pm. It's the time for the Eiffel tower's lightning now. This beautiful scene covers all the loneliness and darkness of the sky. Only lights are visible now. Not too far from this amazing place, there stands a huge stage for the award function. 'READER'S CHOICE AWARDS' the title shows as many people enter the ground. It's all about the writers and the amazing books that they have written.

People are eagerly waiting for the most important part of the function- The Best Writer's award..

The hosts announce," So, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the most awaited moment of this function. The Writer of the Year award. To present this award I would like to call on stage, Mr. James Anderson and Ms. Liza Kitth". Both of them hold the judgement card and announce that ," The Best Writer of the Year award goes to.................................

A huge round of applause surrounds the ground. Alley walks up to the stage , takes her award in her shivering hands, walks forward to deliver the Thank you speech.
"Can somebody just pinch me? Seriously, I am still not able to believe that my childhood dream has actually come true. I have made it, finally!! And at this moment I am just speechless. But of course I would like to thank my Parents for doing everything for me, to two of my teachers- Drake Sir and Rose Mam, who always worked for my improvement and all my loving audiences and fans for loving my work. Thank you everyone! Thank you soooo much," she pauses  for a break as everyone is clapping.

After a few seconds, the happiness of her face suddenly changes into tears. She starts again with a feeble voice," I have already thanked all the people who always helped me in my life. But how can I thank a person who was once my whole life?? People may have taught me various things necessary for life . But, he taught me the reasons to love life. How can I forget the person who taught me how to live when everyone else was just ignoring me. Yes, you may have guessed by the time, that this must be a very special person in my life and you are correct. He's none other than my best friend....BRYAN........BRYAN SORENSEN. My bestie and a reason of living life. Thanks Bryan, for making my life sooo beautiful. If you had not supported me earlier, I wouldn't have reached this place. You motivated me to write and to chase my dreams ignoring what others say. Thanks... I dedicate this to you. It's for you, buddy..... Only you!!" She ends her speech putting a big question mark on people's faces as they hear it. But she gets a huge round of applause for this and the people present there also appreciate her for her speech.

Beyond all these bright world's lights, there stands Alley smiling at everyone but her eyes revealing her pain. The pain of not being with her best friend anymore. The pain that her best friend was not present on the most important day of her life. She feels uncomfortable. As soon as the function is over, without getting engaged with anybody, she goes straight into her car heading towards her home. She plays some music in order to control her feelings, but cannot resist herself from crying....... She wipes the drops of tears and says, " Dear ones, the one who stopped you from coming out is now not with me. You all can cry as much as you want to."

She enters the house and quickly goes to her bed. She starts completing some of her stories. But, the thought of Bryan won't leave her. After sometime, she checks her phone to see whether Bryan texted or not.


Hi. Am still awake
(2:30 am)

You know that today was such a special day for me and you did not have the least common sense to come
here and support your

Well anyways, the great
news is that, You were
right (as usual).
You told me on phone
4 months earlier that,
This award belonged to
me. But I did not feel
like it was this true!!!

And then also, you did
not come to wish me.
Not even a call from you, bastard. Only once just
come here and I will
show you how to murder
a person who does not call
Or text on this important day.

Well, anyway,
Seriously talking.
It's been 4 months since
we texted each other and
6 years since we saw our
damn faces! We need to meet.

I don't know any opinion
from your side but I
personally feel strange here.
Surrounded in a crowd of
Fake people always trying
to have Two faces.

I've been feeling lonely here since many months. But at the starting point, You were
there with me. I just don't understand about what to
do and how to do. Feeling crazy and totally depressed. Can't do anything more than crying.... Whole day....

Feeling strange here. I am really lonely Bryan . I need you Bryan... I need you.....
Plzz don't go.

I will always wait for your text no matter how longer I end up with it. See you soon Bryan....... Missing you......
More than anything........
(3:00 am)


Tries to sleep after switching off her phone. But cannot.
Tears roll down her cheeks as the old memories flash in her mind again and again. She laughs for sometime and then when she realizes that all's gone, she starts crying again.
Managing between  these conditions is the toughest thing for her. The voice of Bryan is continuously ecoing in her head.

After a lot of attempts, she finally sleeps at (4:45 am)
And again wakes up at (5:45 am) according to her daily routine.
After waking up, she looks at her own reflection in the mirror and talks to her reflection,

"Hi Alley! I am really sorry I cannot do anything to save you from this pain. I know your smile is gone. Your glowing face has gone. But believe me , once Bryan comes, he will set everything fine. Just be positive and wait for him. He'll come, very  soon."

Convincing herself, she further gets ready and back to her daily routine.....

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Dedicated to 3 of my besties
#Dhruvi, #Bhavya and  #Surbhi

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Love you guys..

See you in the next chapter.

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