A camera that changed our lives

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10 years ago
16th December,2007 
(Flashback )

We all were preparing for our Christmas Holidays. Our class teacher Kiara Mam had given us the work of preparing a project for the internal marks. We had to choose our partners for our project. But this would cause conflict between the students. So, the teacher decided that she would choose the partners.

At that time, for the project we were selected by our Mam
: Bryan, I, Diane, Peppy, Zillia and Aden were selected.
We had to prepare our project in just 4 days. We were really confused about the designs that we were about to make. Obviously, the project was related to Christmas but all we thought of was doing something new and different from the rest of the classes. One of our sirs named Drake Sir helped us in our idea. He suggested is that it would be better if we presented something LIVE instead of doing on these sheets of paper.

Later, the idea was ours what to do. An idea came into Bryan's mind.

Bryan: Hey guys! Wanna organize a Christmas party?

Party at school? He must be mad..( This was our reaction. Because our Principal was somewhat strict and wouldn't allow to do these kind of things )

Bryan : Listen, our Teacher is also going to leave her job after this vacation. So this would be a Farewell party for her. It's New Year party also and also a Christmas party. "

Diane added : Mam's birthday is on 31st December, how about throwing the party on that day?"

Peppy broke in : No Diane, it's not possible. We have to submit our project before the Christmas holidays. That means on 20th of December."

I suggested : Mam wouldn't deny if we tell her to give us more time. Just say that we are planning something different and want to surprise her. Let's give it a chance. Bryan's and Diane's ideas are nice if we all cooperate with each other.

Everyone agreed with me.
Peppy had no other choice but to agree.

Zillia : Whatever you guys are planning is really nice, but teacher has given us the work of preparing a project. We cannot connect a party and a project together. Think of it once more guys.

I suggested : Guys, it would be nice if we dress up in Santa Claus' costumes and first we would depict the story and importance of Christmas and things related to it. Once it's over, we would start our party.

Diane : Idea is really good and it suits both the conditions. I agree with my best friend (winks at me). ( I also winked )

Peppy : I also agree

Zillia : Me too.

Bryan: Done. Good idea.

Aden : I also agree.

ME : So, now guys be ready for a project that's never been done before. A project accompanied by a Christmas party! Whoaa ! Students of our class rock.

All together : Yes!!! :-) :-)

Bryan : So, let's start preparing for it!

ME : It's Sandy Mam's lecture. Can't miss it. ( Science teacher)

Bryan: Ok, then. We'll come in Gracy Mam's Reading lecture to discuss about the plan.

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