Secret Revealed

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After that incident, I and Bryan used to text each other very often.
Later, we were not allowed to do so because of certain issues.
But we stayed in contact in some or the other way. Most of the conversation was done at school. After coming from school, if needed we would talk secretly.

But, instead of texting, we were allowed to call each other. Bryan called me whenever it was needed ( many a times unnecessarily) , but mostly with a purpose.

I still remember, it was the Study break before exams and we were having holidays. That day, Bryan called me and I was with my family and cousins. My mom picked up the phone and told me that Bryan had called. I called him and asked the purpose of calling.

Me : Hello. Bryan???
Bryan : Hello, Alley. I called , but your mom received the call. I wanted to ask the time for our Coaching classes tomorrow. Is it Morning session or Noon session?

Me : Morning Session.
Bryan : Nick is telling that tomorrow we have a noon session.

Me : No, absolutely not. Nick is mad. Can't he hear anything clearly??
Bryan : No, I guess.
(We Both chuckled)

Nick : What are you both talking about? And why are you looking at me in this way , Bryan??

Bryan : Nothing. We were just discussing about gifting you an appointment letter of an E.N.T surgeon.
Nick : Shut up! She's not sure. How can you blame me ?

Me : Hey Nick ! I can hear you ( As the phone was on speaker) And just shut your mouth . I am very sure. 110% Sure. Wanna bet??
Nick : No, let it be. Because I am not sure.
Me : If you're not sure then why are you giving others wrong timings??

Bryan : Stop fighting you two!
Me : Tell him to stop.
Nick : You started , Alley. I haven't done anything.

Me : Oh ! You think yourself as innocent! How sad...

Bryan : Stop it!!! I am calling Drake Sir now. We'll sought this out. Wait for our call, Alley. Bye.
Me : Bye.

(10 minutes later)

Bryan : Hello, Alley. I have confirmed with Drake Sir. He said that tomorrow we have a morning session. You were right. I'm going to kill Nick!
Me : See, told you earlier only. And if are beating Nick, don't do that. I mean not alone. I'll also come to beat him and we'll break all the bones of his body! Idiot!!
Nick : Not my fault. I conveyed what I heard.

Bryan : But, idiot. You should've told that you were not sure.
Nick : I don't like to be that person who does not have faith on himself .
Me : Oh please! Keep your attitude aside. We've got other important works too.

Nick : You both are sooo mean! I hate you.
Me and Bryan : Same to you, huh !

(We both chuckled)

Me : Bryan, is there any test tomorrow?
Nick : (grabs the phone) No, Alley. Sir told to revise Ch - 8 of Science. Nothing else.
Me : I asked Bryan , not you.
Nick : No one trusts me! :-(

Bryan : Sorry, Alley. I don't remember it exactly. Have to trust this idiot only.
Nick : What did you say?

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