Jerry and Fort McCoy

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Click, clunk, click, clunk. I slowly wobble over to where they store all of my stuff. My Roblee shoe making sharp clicks against the hard floor while the unnatural white smoothness of my prosthetic clucked and dragged slightly behind. I was still not used to the unnatural movements of the leg. It tumbled often as my prosthetic did not fit to be specialized with my wound and was slightly too short. I ask the nurse nearby if she will retrieve my suitcase. I see my small plain suitcase, it looked practically out of the box as I had not put any travel stickers or any other junk that could mess up the image of a collected formal tool of travel. It had been gifted to me by my only child, Michael. He had wrote on the inside "remember to come back." I wobbled over to my bed and greeted Jerry, he gave a witty response as per usual. I took off my foot as it really was the most annoying thing as the leather strap scraped against you skin with every step. I began to pack my bag neatly. I loaded in my army uniforms and then put one on as you always had to travel in uniform. I loaded my only non-uniform clothing on top which consisted of a plain, brand new, button down, pale cloud white shirt and a night, pitch black pair of pants currently had a small white hair on it. I slowly extracted the small off colored nuisance from fine pair of pants and loaded them in I shut my suitcase with a click and started walking off when Jerry piped up behind me, "You gonna waste the military's money on that foot and not take it?" I told him that he was in a coma and could not talk and then loaded my foot into the suitcase begrudgingly. I took on more look around this sad and desolate place I had spent the good part of a month in and then I looked down at the sheet of paper I'd been handed yesterday that told me my relocation sector. I took my first step out the door and said "Fort McCoy here I come.

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