Empty Rooms

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I was at my post reading my book, It was a rather good book, one of my sons favorites The Hobbit. I was thinking about the things I would do with a ring of invisibility. My mind wandered off and I got back to thinking about my dream. It filled me with a sense of dread as if seeing my future. I heard a sharp ring that signaled it was time for lunch and I headed off to my cafeteria. My assigned lunchroom was a rather bad one as the people assigned to cooking were not very good and had not cooked professionally ever (in fact i'm pretty sure they were plumbers from Italy back at their home). I sat down at my normal spot and toyed around with the atrocity they try and pass as food. There was some cheap of brand rice they probably got for a dollar a pound and some stale and coarse peaches and bread. This was what we had on a daily basis and I was frankly tired of it. But no matter what there was always something to eat.

"Hey mister how you doing?"

I glanced over at what thing was sitting next to me and realize it was the boy from the other day "What do you want?"

"I don't know," He said politely "Just wanted to talk."

"So talk if you want too so bad," I stated.

"Why are you always so sour? You know it's a good day out side right?" He continued to talk on about the trees and birds all of which were on the other side of the fence near our food hall. "Just smell that sweet mountain aroma and those flowers smell lovely, and look at the greens and pinks and reds." he said.

"I've just had a bad week and there's a kid jabbering my ear off."

"What was so bad about it?"

"Just stuff at home, stuff with my family. I dont think its your business though."

"Ok wanna hear a joke?"

"Yeah sure," I said glad to change the subject.

"Ok why was a room of married people empty?"

"Ye," I muttered

"Because there was no single person in it."

"Man... you come up with that?"


"Its pretty bad. You could be the next Buster Keaton with material like that." I started laughing hysterically and soon the boy looked at me and started laughing too. Something about that joke made my mood skyrocket. "Boy what's your name."

"You want to know?"


"Its Masato."

"Well Masato it's good to meet you." I held out my hand and he shook it loosely then we burst out laughing again.

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