Chapter 11

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After what happened between Jake and I last night, I tossed and turned for hours in my bed.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Yes, it was a great kiss. A+ for effort and what not, but I couldn't escape the guilty feeling that was flooding my thoughts. One name, that ran through my head as I lay there.


She clouded my head all night, until I finally gave up and just started to get ready for school.

I decide on a pair of high waisted black skinny jeans and a white crop with a chunky grey cardigan to top it off.

Halloween is this month and I still need to try and find Amelia a costume. Oh the joys of parenthood.


"Why the down face Ash?" Sophie asks on our way to French class.

I haven't been able to meet her eye all day.

I broke the number one rule of the girl code. I'm the worst friend ever.

I let out a long sigh before asking her to come to Daisy's after school to talk.


"So what did you want to talk about? 'Cause honestly I'm so nervous I might shit myself." Sophie's exclaims with a nervous chuckle.

"I did something Soph." She gives me an encouraging smile, coaxing me to continue.

"IkissedJakepleasedon'thateme." I take a gulp of air and steal a nervous glance at my best fiend.

"Did he kiss you back?" She asks, her voice low.

"Yeah, but we were reminiscing on old times when we were kids and got caught in the moment. I swear it was a mistake. I know how much you like him, I'm so sorry. I'm such a bitch." I grumble, mad at myself and my teenage hormones.

"It's not like I'm his girlfriend. I don't have a say in who he kisses." Sophie's voice is small, almost a whisper and I mentally kick myself for upsetting her.

"I know, but it was a mistake and I'm sorry. How about I organise something with Ethan, Jake and Sebby. I'll distract the other two while you have some alone time with Jake." I give her a warm smile, hoping she doesn't hate me.

"Ash, if you like him, it's okay." Her voice is still small and quiet. It's breaking my heart.

"Soph, if I liked him I wouldn't be trying to get you two alone together now would I?"

"I guess not. Alright I'm in. Organise something with all five of us. Preferably something with swimming so I can wear my new sexy red bikini." She winks at me, making me cough up the coffee from my mouth with laughter.

"Only you Sophie. Only you." I smile at my crazy best friend.


"Hey Spencer!" I call out after Ethan's retreating figure going towards his homeroom class.

He turns around trying to find the person who called him with his resting douche face.

His eyes meet mine and he gives me a bright smile, making his way over to me; fighting against the sea of people pulling him like a current in the opposite direction.

"Hey Merritt, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you, Sebby and Jake wanna do something fun this weekend with Sophie and I?"

"Oh yeah? Sure. I'll talk to the guys. What did you have in mind?" He gives me a warm smile making the skin wrinkle around his bright blue-green eyes.

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