Chapter 34

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Who would have thought.

After every obstacle that has come my way in life, every curse and tear. I've found myself standing in front of my fogged up bathroom mirror attempting to tie a tie.

"Would you like some help?" A warm voice calls from the door, I look up and catch my Mom's eye in the glass.

"Please." I whine, letting the pale pink fabric fall lazily onto my chest.

I stare down at the short woman, small wrinkles gracing her forehead after years of stress and loss.

Her tongue is jutted out of her mouth as she concentrates, I can't help but smile at the sight.

"Done." She grins proudly up at me.

I don't bother replying, I just pull her into my chest; "I love you mom."

"I love you too." I hear her sniffle and I let out a soft chuckle at the sound.

"Finish getting ready." She murmurs with a bright smile before leaving the room.

I walk back towards my room to find Sebby and Jake shrugging on their suit jackets.

"Our last school related thing together boys." Sebastian huffs with an almost sad smile.

"Don't get all emotional on us Wallace." Jake grumbles, but by the tone of his voice; I can tell he's feeling just as sad about it.

"We're always going to be friends. It doesn't matter which college we go to. You're my brothers." I grin, patting them both on the back.

"Brothers." They both simultaneously repeat.

"I love you guys!" Sebby cheers with a childish grin before forcing us all into a 'group hug.'


A gasp escapes my mouth at the breathtaking sight before me.

Ashley stands tall in front of me in a stunning pale pink dress-flowing lightly to the floor. Intricate designs cover her bust, complementing the simple dress.

My eyes travel to the split in the fabric traveling up her leg and revealing her thigh.

I awkwardly cough and avert my gaze, catching her gaze; a knowing smile tattooed onto her lips.

"Eyes up, buddy." Sophie smirks before sauntering over to Jake and planting a kiss onto his lips.

I feel a presence by my side, I turn to face Ashley and take note that she looks just as beautiful up close.

"You look incredible." I breath out and watch her cheeks darken as she bows her head.

I have to admit I love the effect I have on her.

"You look ravishing, Mr Spencer." She playfully grins.

"Why Ms Merritt, You look absolutely dashing." I play along before we burst into loud laughter.


After shoveling down a fantastic dinner, we're all messily sat around a table; several beverages and empty glasses scattered along it.

"Dance with me." I hear Riley say to Sebastian on my left before two chairs scrap back and they get lost in the sea of other dancing bodies.

A few moments later; Jake and Sophie follow along and join them.

"Then there was two." Ashely jokes, playing with the hem of the table cloth.

"Care to dance?" I give her a playful smirk before taking her petit hand in my own, guiding her towards the dance floor.

I wrap my hands firmly around her waist while she clasps her hands together around the back of my head before laying her forehead in the crook of my neck; her light breaths hitting off my collarbone.

"For all our loved up couples in the crowd! This is for you!" The DJ shouts through the microphone in his energetic voice; seconds later a slow song begins to play.

A 'can't help falling in love with you' cover starts to play and a woman's smooth voice booms around the hall.

"But I...can't help falling in love with you." I hear Ashley faintly singing along as her hold on me tightens.

"Shall I stay...would it be a sin." I sing the next part before her head slowly rises and she gently smiles.

"Please do." She whispers and I can't help but catch the slight worry in her tone, as if I could ever walk away from this.

"I'm not going anywhere. Ever." I sternly state with a sincere smile.

"You're it for me Ashely. You always were." She doesn't respond, she doesn't need to. She leans up and plants a meaningful kiss on my lips; saying everything she didn't have to out loud.

She was my new start, the second I bumped into her in the school hallway I knew she was it for me.

A new chapter.

The End.

Authors note:
Don't worry guys!
There will be an epilogue ;)

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