Chapter 18

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"Alright class, today I want you guys to practice two cakes. They can be anything you wish, but they have to be something you haven't attempted as a group before. This is a double period so use your time wisely." Ms Miller announces to the class and we all get to work, gathering supplies and organising our ingredients.

"I was thinking we could do a cheese cake and carrot cake?" Sebastian suggests, looking out over a bulky recipe book, biting his lip in thought.

"I'm down for whatever." Ethan replies from behind a handful of different baking instruments, looking confused.

"Yeah, sounds good to me." I smile at Sebby who returns the gesture before we all get to work.

"Okay, so I need 350g of self-raising flour." I announce to the two boys that are currently throwing said flour at each other; Sebastian letting out the occasional girly giggle.

"Hello?" I put my hands on my hip and raise an eyebrow at the pair.

"Hello?" I try again, this time my voice louder, getting their attention.

They both stop, each with one hand raised about to launch a scoop of flour. After a pause they both slowly lower their arms and their heads.

"Sorry." Sebby whispers after a moment.

"Yeah, sorry." Ethan follows along with the nod of his head.

"No more messing around. I need your help with the cakes." I state, a smile threatening to appear on my lips at the two eighteen year old men hiding their faces in shame from me, like two bold children. I guess the mom in me has that effect on people.

"Right, of course." Sebastian jumps up and gets to work, measuring out the flour while Ethan starts grating the carrots. I finally let the smile out before getting started with the cream myself.


When the bell goes for the end of class, we have two above average cakes on the counter in front of us.

"I think we did pretty good." Ethan says from behind Sebby and I with his arms crossed.

"Yeah." Sebby lets out a breath and puts away the last clean bowl.

"Good work class, you can collect your cakes at the end off the day and split them between you. Enjoy lunch." Ms Miller chirps from the top of the class.

I immediately whip off my apron and make my way to the cafeteria to meet Sophie and because it's pizza day. I really like pizza.

"Ashley." A nasally voice calls from close behind me and I reluctantly turn to face Nina.

"Nina." I mumble, uninterested by her presence.

"I just wanted to make sure you've been keeping those fat legs closed." She sneers.

I take a deep breath, if I'm going to move on and forget my past I need to get over Nina and her rude remarks.

"You know what Nina. Fuck off. I don't need your negative shit following me around like a fucking shadow. You need to get your head out of your ass, because after high school you're going to get the best reality check of your life, in the real world no one is going to take any of your shit and I can't wait for the moment you realise that being a stuck up bitch isn't going to get you anywhere but a sad place where you still think the world revolves around you." I suck in a sharp breath and stare into her stunned eyes, swimming with different emotions.

I only realised the crowd that gathered around us when I avert my gaze away from her stunned features. Ethan, Sebastian, Jake and Sophie at the front with proud smirks on their faces.

"Let's get some pizza." Soph chirps with a bright smile as she links my arm and leads me away from the whispers.


"I'm proud of you." A husky voice whispers close behind me and I turn to face Ethan with a bright smile gracing his face.

"For what?" I mumble, a shy smile making its way to my lips as that same feeling swells in my heart. What's going on with me?

"Standing up to Nina. You needed to do that and I'm proud that you did." He leans against the locker beside mine.

"Thank you." I mutter, bowing my head.

"I'll see you tonight okay? Leave the window unlocked." He gives me one last smile before turning and heading to the car park.

After I gather my homework supplies and my portion of the cakes I make my way to my car with the feeling still strong in my chest.


"How was School sweetie?" Mom questions from across the table at dinner.

"Good thank you, I have cake for dessert from Home Economics." Amelia's head pops up at the mention of cake and a smile spreads across her small pink lips. "Cake?" She questions, her big green eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yep." I pop my lips together and chuckle at her change of attitude.

"Violet called and said your next appointment is tomorrow at 6pm." Mom gives me a sympathetic smile as she rises from her chair to grab the cake.

"I love you mommy." Amelia pipes up with a toothy grin. "And cake." She whispers to herself quietly with an evil grin.


The window sliding open averts my attention from my book and I look up to see Ethan slowly shutting it after entering from the cold night air.

"Hey." He whispers, his pillow tucked under his arm.

"Hey." I respond and place the book on my bedside table.

He looks down at the ground beside my bed and a smile forms on his lips.

"That for me?" He questions, looking at the blankets and cushions I used to create a makeshift bed.

"Yeah." I breath out and cover myself with my duvet before lying down.

"Thank you." He whispers before I hear the moving of blankets and a sigh.

"Night Ethan." I mumble, tiredness lining every word.

"Goodnight Ash."


My jeans drop to my ankles and my knees go weak with fear.

"Help!" I scream, my throat burning from sobbing so hard.

"Fucking bitch." He mutters darkly and removes his finger from my underwear only to crouch down and grab a rock.

The last thing I remember is the blood rushing down my face, blurring my vision with the thick crimson liquid.

I don't want to think about what happened next. I never want to think about it.

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