Chapter 12

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"I can't believe we're going to Sebby's beach house! Sebastian freaking Wallace! I'm so excited I could pee!" Sophie's voice booms around my bedroom as I pack for the weekend.

"Yeah, it's going to be great. A break away from routine is extremely needed." I sigh in content as I pack my pastel pink bikini and light denim shorts. Amelia is seriously influencing my obsession with pink.

"What time are the guys getting here at?" Sophie questions, throwing her hair up into a high ponytail.

"Sebby got his cousins Jeep Wrangler delivered from his aunt in Miami, so he's getting Ethan and Jake then coming here at 9am."

"So in 15 minutes? You're seriously bringing packing at the last minute to a whole new level."

I throw a pair of socks, hitting her square in the jaw making her squeal and run out of my room to wait downstairs.


"I spy with my little eye something the colour of blue!" Sebastian shouts over the sound of the wind whipping by in the jeep.

"The sky?" Jake shouts back from the passengers seat.


"My top?" Sophie questions in which Sebby shakes his head.

I ponder for awhile, looking sound the car for something blue until I make my guess, "My eyes?"

"Yep!" Sebby exclaims, clapping enthusiastically like a child.

"Okay, we're here." Jake grumbles, bored of the two hour drive and Sebby's car games.

"Thank fuck." Ethan mumbles from my left.

We pull up outside a beautiful two story beach house. It's not a very modern looking one, but the white wooden panelled walls with wide windows around the building make it insanely homely.

"Wow" I mumble to myself, taking in the gorgeous sight.

"Yeah, my mom and dad are super proud of this place." Sebby chuckles before walking up the steps and letting us in.

"Left get this party started!" Ethan shouts, his voice echoing throughout the house.


"Never have I ever kissed a girl." Jake gives Sophie and I a cheeky grin as all three of the boys take a mouthful of beer.

Sophie matches Jake's grin while she slowly rises her beer to her lips and takes big gulp.

"Woah that's hot!" Sebby stares at Sophie in awe.

"Marry me?" Jake bursts out, earning a love struck giggle from Sophie.

Ethan's stays quiet as he looks over at me to see if I take a drink too, in return I shake my head with a smile.

"When and with who?" Sebastian questions while Jake continues to stare at Soph like a love struck puppy.

"I was drunk at a party. I think her name was Leah or maybe Lexi, a red head with these really cool green eyes."

Sophie shrugs like it's no big deal but if the heart eyes Jake is sending her way is anything to go by, I'm pretty sure he's thinking differently. I thought everyone knew Sophie was bi, guess not.

"Okay, my go!" Sebastian shouts, making Jake jump with fright and punch him in the arm.

"Never have I ever had sex." Sebby's question catches me off guard and my stomach drops as memories threaten to flood back in.

"Come on Ash, you know me. Don't you trust me?" He whispers in my ear, holding me so close his breath fans across my cheek and I gag at the strong stench of alcohol.

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