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Chapter Eighteen : Endeared

I woke up feeling woozy. My vision was blurry and my head weighting a ton. Why am I feeling this? My body feels too numb as well to function normally.

I sprawled and removed the duvet on top of me as I sat up in bed holding my head and rubbing my temples wishing this torture to stop.

I groaned and with every once of strength I have left, I stood up with my two wobbling feet and my head spinning. It didn't help that the world felt like it was spinning  so I fell harshly on the cold ground.

"L-lucia!" I called out hoarsely and fortunately about a minute or so the door bursts open with Lucinda dashing to my side and grabbed me on the shoulders, lifting me.

"What is happening Star?" she spoke in a hurried and concered manner. I held my head and landed on her shoulder weakly.

"I-I don't know. C-can you call Marco?" I chattered before my body gave up.

|The Wild, Buffoon Princess|

My eyes immediately flickered open once I felt something cold drip down my face. I lifted my frail finger to touch my forehead where the cause of the cold dripping water and let out a squeal when I got into contact with something as cold as ice.

I arose from bed, the wet towel falling onto my lap and I felt dizzy. Maybe it was because I moved too fast. "Star you idiot!" another voice from the room scowled and I  twisted my head and met Marco sitting down in the white chair then stood up making his way towards my bed. He pushed me back in bed putting the towel back in my forehead. I hissed because it was too cold and I felt so sensitive.

"Don't move," he says calmly, then he gives me a scorn look. "I told you not to play in the rain. Now look at you! You have a fever."

After he spoke my nose got itchy and puffy, so I sneezed.

He grabbed the bowl from the table and moved closer to me. "Can you eat?" I sat right-up in bed and grabbed the spoon when he yanked my hand away softly.

"I'll feed you," he eyed me and I stared at his alluring eyes before snapping. "I'm not a kid! I can do it!"

"I will  since you're too weak to feed yourself," he spoke whilst scooping the spoon and stopped mid-way. "--this is also my fault since I left you outside," he stared at the bowl of porridge in deep thoughts then his eyes averted to me.

"Open your mouth," he orders and I opened my mouth widely.

"When did you came, Marco?" I ask while he was preparing for another bite. He says, not bothering to look at me. "As soon as I got the call. I knew this would happen so I ran as fast as I could."

"I'm sorry," I say, looking down on my fingertips. "--If I wasn't so stupid, then I wouldn't have burdened you."

"It's okay," he flashes me a smile and puts the spoon in front of me. "--I signed up for this, didn't I? So open wide, kid!"

.  . .

"I'm surprised you finished all of it," he states as he places the bowl on my study table. He then starts to lean closer to me and I couldn't help but freak out. "W-what are you doing?"

"Checking your temperature," he says and then his cheeks turn faint pink. "--don't get the wrong idea, Star."

My heart pounded fastly and my cheeks flushed red as I stared at his face whilst he leant and grabbed the towel from my forehead. 

His warm hands then rest on my forehead. "You're still hot," he says calmly as he places the towel back. Can you hear how fast my heart is beating right now?

"Drink this," he got a circular tablet and water as I popped it in my mouth and drank the water.

"Now sleep Star," he puts me back in bed as I pulled the duvet closer to me, watching him staring at me from the study table. "What are you gonna do?"

"What else? I'm going to watch over you," he says and I turn red. What's wrong with my heart right now?

"You're redder than before Star, shall I check your temperature? I swear I did awhile ago," he walked out of the room and closed the door.

I pulled the duvet close to my lips as I feel my heart beating like crazy. Is this how this fever work? And why can't I stop this feeling? This weird sensation.

He returned and placed the thermometer to my mouth, removed it once it beeped and stared at it. 

I never really realized how long Marco's lashes were or how cool he looks like when he's so serious. He's always so wimpy and weird that I never see this side of him.. it's attractive.

"It's going down," he speaks and takes a seat. He crosses his arms whilst staring at me. "--go to sleep, Star."

And so I closed my eyes with this weird tingly sensation in me.


I arise and glanced at the blinds. It's  dark.

I looked to where Marco was and see him sleeping with his head leaning on the table. It looked so uncomfortable yet he slept through it.

With all my strength, I stood up from bed and went to the closet grabbing a blanket despite this nauseous feeling and heavy weight. I walked towards him and cover him with the blanket. "I'm sorry I'm always a burden to you. And Marco, you're such a bad boy..taking advantage of my heart when I'm weak."