WBP|Mother to Daughter

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Chapter Twenty- Two : Mother to Daughter

I instantly woke up and sat up in bed, my eyes wandering around and my ears listened to the sounds of horns and trumpets coming downstairs to my curiosity and wonder.

I got up in bed, clutching my fingers onto the thread of my dress as I walked towards the door and opened it with a loud creak. I peeped my head on the door and stared towards the staircase and living room. My eyes widened upon the appearance of . .Mother?!

I dashed down the stairs to no haste, and to my misfortune I tripped and dropped face flat on the cold wooden floor.

"When will you ever learn to be poised and cautious, my daughter?" my mother looked at me in disappointed and extended her hand to lift me up.

"So, did you tell anyone your secret?" that's the first time she asks me, not even bothering to say how I am doing or if I'm alright. But it's mother.

I sigh. "I-I did," I confessed, not looking her straight in the eye. I can't lie to her, she'll find out straight away if I did.

We stood in silence as her silence meant so many things. She could be thinking how stupid I am, how she was lacking in raising me and how I must be an embarrassment to be the next in throne.

"Star didn't we made a promise?" she breaks the silence and I can't look her in the eyes. "--is this how promises are to you, Star? Breaking them? And to whom low-life human did you tell it to?"

I shot her a glare. How can she judge a person that easy when she didn't even met him. "He's not just some low-life earthling, Mother. Don't speak ill of someone when you haven't met them yet."

"Anyway, I'm here to take you somehwere," she announced, ignoring what I just said and grabbed my arm, dragging me outside.

I pedalled my feet on the ground. "Where are you taking me? If it's to go home, then I'm not going."

She looked at me. "Are you defying your mother's words? Is this how I raised you? Is this how this 'planet' is teaching you?"

"No, mother," I say glumly. She crosses her arms. "Then be a good daughter and just follow me."

. . . . . . . .


hesitated to open the door. .this is the palace, she tricked me!

"Why are we here?" I say in frustration. "I'm still a klutz, I still need to learn more things so please bring me back to Earth," I say in out-most desperation.

"There's no need for you to go back," she eyed me. "--I've been closely monitoring you and I figured that time I gave you was enough for you to learn."

"Return me to Earth!" I beg, dropping down to my knees. "--I still need to learn more things..to have fun and discover new holidays.."

"Do you take me for an idiot, Star?" my mother says in a reprimanding tone. "--I know what you have been doing in Earth. Do you think I wouldn't know?"

"Are you really falling for that Earthling?" she scoffs. "--that's  why you don't want to come home, am I right?"

"I won't allow it, he's a different kind, Star," she rubs her temples. "--you and him are not meant to be."

"You are to marry Tom Lucitor once you're on the right age and you will take over the throne when that happens," she dismisses and turns her back on me.

"Now wear some proper clothes fitted for a queen, we'll be thanking that 'boy' for helping you handle 'your' mess."

"No," I say in a low mutter.

Mother turns around and raises her brow. "Excuse me? What did you say?"

"I said I'm not going! I want to go back to Earth!" I raised my tone. I clenched on my clothes, why is she always deciding what I want? I'm tired of it, tired of her controlling my future and my emotions.

This time my mother raised her voice and it was the first time I saw her with such raw emotions. Anger, sadness and suppressed feelings that I never thought she had. "You are to be the queen of Mewni! You have no choice but to grow up and stop being childish for once!"

"Well I don't want to be!" I shout back.

"I'm tired of you deciding what's best of me. I'm a livin creature, I can make choices. I like him Mother, I want to be with him and I would do everything  just to be with him," I say in tears. "--he makes me happy, he understands me, someone who's so messed up and he makes me feel that I'm not the worst person in this whole world."

"I finally found something that I can fight for," I wiped my tears. "--and I will fight for it, even if it means defying you."

"You are only fooling yourself!" she raises her tone at me. "--he will never love you! And what does that make you? A fool? A dog following his steps?"

"Even if he will never love me, he makes me happy! Even if I only have to be his friend, I'll do it because that's what...love is," I trailed off. "--it doesn't have to be love for a lover, but love for a friend. That's enough for me."

"Do whatever you want! Don't come crying if it hits you like a dagger in the chest," she says.

"People like you are stupid," she trails off and holds my shoulder. "--I'm only doing what is right for you. Yet you defied me for a boy--an Earthling."

"You are naive just like me," she says.

"W-what do you mean?" I say in sniffs.

"I was once like you. I fell in love with someone from a different kind yet that never ended well."


"Because I didn't fight for him. I chose to turn my back on him and face my duties as a queen," she closes her eyes, as if reminiscing the memories.

"D-do you still love him?" I say in a whisper.

"That doesn't matter anymore." she flickers her eyes open and stares at me with a scorn look in her face. "--you can go back to the 'planet' that you love so much."

"But," she says. "--don't you come crying back with a wretched heartache. You must come back when you have done what you won't ever regret, is that clear?"

I nodded, pulling my mother into an embrace. "Thank you Mother! I won't let you down."

. . . . . .


"Marco Diaz right?" I say as I looked at the frightened boy.

"I apologize for Star's havoc behavior and I thank you for taking good care of her."

"Gee, I'm just doing what I do best," he says.

"Do you want anything, Diaz? Something that you'd like to have as a payment for taking care of my daughter?" I ask him and at first his gestures looks hesitant but he finally spoke.

"I-I want to stay longer with, Star," he says with firm in his tone. "If that's okay."

"Hm. I'm not taking her away anytime," he looks at me with joy, like a puppy wagging his tail. "-but if you hurt my daughter, you'll have to pay, Diaz."

"I understand, ma'am," he says and I bid farewell.

I hope she does it right this time.

JUNE 12,2017

June 10,2017

Official Published : June 13,2017

-Hello guys writting this book was a mess and tiring.I have worn out due to the shits I wrote and why I am telling you this is,Starco :The Wild,Buffoon Princess is almost coming to it's peak

It was fun interacting and being experimental Thank you for supporting the progress of Starco :The Wild,Buffoon Princess