Lost boys

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The boy picks me up and continues walking deeper into the forest. I listen in on their conversations, it is actually quite amusing.

"Why does she have blue hair?" A boy behind us wonders.

"Why do you have blonde hair? It's her hair color, idiot." A boy to my left snaps.

"I was just wondering." He mutters.

"Well, use your brain every once and a while and think!"

"Calm down, you two. It does no good to argue." The boy holding me answers in a mono-tone voice.

"Why does Pan want her anyways? Why does it matter if she's here or if she ain't?" A boy in front asks.

"We must not question Pan." The mono-tone boy answers again.

"I just don't get it, she ain't done nothin' to us."

"We can't be certain."

"Just sayin' she ain't look like no danger to us, maybe a bit unstable, but no danger." It takes me all I can not to laugh for grin at this remark. If only they knew.

"Shut up, we are almost there." Another boy in front says.

"Don't need to be rude."

"I will be rude if I wanna be rude."




"Lousy, no good little-"

"Enough!" The mono-tone boy yells out, making me flinch. "We are here and if Pan here's any of you yapping, no ones knows what he will do."

"Yea, he has been in a mood lately."

"No kidding. Yesterday, he slapped me because I was late to hunting. I ain't done nothin' but be late, and he slapped me."

"He just slapped you? He whipped me last time that happened." Pan sounds just like I have observed; heartless, rude, and a bit of a grump.

"Will you just be quiet?" The mono-tone boy snaps.

"Why should we take ordered from you? What do have have that we don't? Huh?"

"I have Pan's orders."

"You always have Pan's orders."

"Has anyone actually seen Pan?" What?

"What do you mean?"

"Like, actually seen him?" Have they never seen Peter Pan? They were just talking about him hurting them. There is a moment of silence, perhaps the boys are thinking.

"Guess not, he normally wears some hood that shades his face, I guess I never really thought of it, why?"

"It just kinda popped into my mind."

"Why would he even want to hide from us, he is the most powerful being." Ha!

"Are you sure about that?" A new voice says from behind us all.

"Peter! W-why of course!" One of the boys stutters. So I finally get to meet Pan.

"Why would we doubt such a thing?" The boys seem awfully nervous, Peter Pan must have a strong influence on them.

"Because of the girl." Pan states as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. Well I guess it might.

"What does the girl have anything to do with this?" Clueless boy.

"Just shut up and set her down."

"Okay?" I feel my back hit the ground, my back hitting a rock. I let out a groan and stir a bit, still pretending to be asleep.


"Peter we-"

"I said leave!" Pan bellows. He is a bit commanding, apparently.

I hear muffled complaints and the sound of feet leaving. I stir a little again, but keep my eyes closed

"I know your awake." Mono-tone yet again. Does no one on this island have an emotion?

"I have no idea what you mean?" I smile. He rolls his eyes while I sit up. They were right, he does have a hood. I cannot see his face at all. The idiotic darkness here is not helping one bit.

"Why did you come back here, Blue?"

"Blue?" I furrow my eyebrows. He laughs, but it was deep and dark, not light and happy, like I am use to.

"Have you ever looked in the mirror? You are practically painted blue. I felt like it fit."

"Well, I have a name, you know?" It is my turn to roll my eyes. His face goes blank.

"I do know, and I do not care. Do not roll your eyes at me." He growls.

"And what are you going to do if I do?" I taunt and stand up. He is suddenly in front of me.

"I might just play a game with you." He whispers, an evil grin crawls onto his face.

"So you really are the demon child everyone talks about, correct?"

"And I embrace every minute of it." He backs up a bit. "What are you? An overgrown blueberry?"

"Yes, haven't heard that one before." I roll my eyes again, his own eyes darken at the motion. "I am actually someone quite important to you." He hums in response

"And might you, I don't know, remind me? I honestly want to hear it in your own words." He backs up a little more, as if giving me space.

"Well, in short, I am, my dear Pan- hey that rhymes!" I tend to get a bit distracted.

"Oh look! A squirrel!" He mimics in a high picked voice, then it drops back down. "Why not stop being so idiotic and tell me?"

"Fine. In short, I am your opposite." I reply bluntly. He grins.

"Couldn't have worded it better myself. This is going to be fun. Very, very fun." He laughs his dark laugh again.

"I would say the same thing, I do believe this is going to be a fun game to play." I smirk.

"Yes, and right now, we are playing by my rules. Boys! Tie her up for the night!" Some of the boys come back from the forest and grab my arms and legs. I do not struggle, for getting free is not what I intend to do. Just as Pan starts walking away, I call out

"Oh, and Pan?" He stops, yet doesn't turn around. So I continue. "Your brother is looking for you!"

He turns back around and looks at me. I just barely see his eyes, they look grey-ish in the moonlight. I can see glare that could just about kill anyone. He looks around the boys and, shockingly, he smiles.

"Ready boys? Let's play!"

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