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"I find this quite humiliating, truthfully." I spin around to find Pan standing near one of the windows. Cliché, isn't it?

"How so?" I question.

"Well, I can assume that you think you can somehow outsmart me by casting a sleeping curse over my boys and use the roots to get out from under the trees. By the way, very original. But, honestly, I am hurt." He fakes a disappointed face. "Not only that, but you decide to invade my personal home."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your home."

"Whose else would it be?" He raises an eyebrow.

"It is a huge understatement to say that you are your boys are the only one's on the island."

"We are." He crosses his hands behind his back and walks over to the bed, while I walk farther away from it.

"I had no way of knowing that. I have only been here for a short time, and, from that time, I have spent it in very limited area."

He hums in agreement. "Either way, didn't your parents teach you not to break into someone's home? I mean, it's common knowledge."


"Oh, that's right, your parents left you." He smirks at me. "Their daughter was born as something terrible, awful, horrid. They didn't want you." How dare he? I step up and I pin him against the wall, my blood pumping. My arm glows red with power, freezing him and choking him from the inside.

"How dare you? My parents were taken from me. People thought I was dangerous. People thought they were protecting them. People thought I was a bloody demon. My parents were stolen. " My breathing becomes uneven and I begin to see red. He has no right to bring my parents up in this. He doesn't even know anything about them. All I feel is pain in my chest. He needs to feel it. My parents did not leave. They loved me. They were always there for me. They taught me. They... They...

I begin to suffocate him with my arm pushing against his chest. He starts to choke, but is unable to do anything. His face starts to loose color. I push more and more and more. No one brings up my parents that way. He had no right to bring that up. I stare at him and feel my lips turn up. I smile at this. He is in pain because of me. He is in pain because of me... because of me... because of... me. He is in pain because if me!

My arm begins to burn as I draw back with a scream, holding my arm in pain. I look down at it a see a red burn reaching across my skin, growing bigger and bigger while it continues to burn and burn. I scream again and fall to the floor in pain. Red melts away from my vision as I focus on my arm. What just happened to me? I have never, ever been like that.

I scream once more. The burning is growing and it feels like flames are engulfing my arm. "What is happening?" I scream. I look up to see Pan looking down at me, already recovered from my choking. He smiles at me, as if he accomplished something yet again. I scream again, but not because of the burning, but because a hand grabs my neck and slams me against the door. My breathing is cut off from the hand, and I begin to choke.

"Now how does that feel when it's happening to you?" Pan soothes, his breathe fanning against my skin. "It's not fun when you can feel the air be cut off from your lungs. Not only that," he pauses and takes his hand out from my neck and puts his arm against my chest and the other one behind my head, "but it is when the air is being sucked out from the inside is when you can feel the real torture." I suddenly feel pain from my chest even worst than the choking. I gasp for air, but it doesn't come.

"Now, the burning you felt? Oh, poor Blue. Looks like you just had your first experience with dark magic. The island is already having an affect on you, and I haven't need to do that much work. Pity really. I wanted to see a fight. I guess life is just a big disappointment." Dark magic. That is why it felt so weird when I used it. That is why I saw red. That is why my arm began to burn. Dark magic.

He let go of my body and I slump to the floor, the burning sensation cooling away as I sit there, gasping for air. "D-Dark magic." I whisper to myself.

"Yes, dark magic. Did you really think you could come here and not be affected by it? This is why you need to be locked up. You are easily vulnerable to it. Just by a snap of a finger you can crack and try to kill someone. You are dangerous. This is why your parents are gone."

"Don't you dare bring them back into this or I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?" he challenges, stepping up to my shaking body. "You are far too weak to achieve anything drastic at the moment, so what could you do? I can stand here and talk about your parents all I want, and you can't do anything but sit and listen. Let's begin. Their names were Shy and Lou Tylers, correct?

"Don't." I beg. I cannot think of the topic of my parents.

"Before you were born, they were unable to have a child. They were desperate. They tried anything, anything at all, but the only thing they would not try was dark magic. That is where they would draw the line. One night, they were visited by a fairy. The fairy said that she was glad at their refusal to use dark magic and promised them a child. On one condition, the child would have to be the source of the light magic, since the bearer before was dying."

"Stop." I beg even more. I can feel tears rim my eyes. A new pain forms inside me, but this one is not physical.

"Why, I remember the day they had you. I was there, you know. I am always there on those happy days of a new child, hoping to find one I can take and train." I look at him in awe, not of admiration, but of disdain. He scoffs at me. "Don't look at me like you do not expect that. Anyways, I could not find any suitable. They were all content with their lives, it disgusted me. But, something drew me to your home. I normally keep away from girls, you know. They are usually too weak, but I came. That night, I saw something I had never seen before. A blue child. It was humorous, actually." He sat down next to me and continued.

"Your parents seemed so proud, and for years, they made sure to raise you right. I was about to give up on you, until I saw an opportunity. People in the near by village heard of you and were frightened. They knew you held great power and feared for the safety of your parents. I took that opportunity and led them to your home." I shot up.

"You-You led them to my home so they could take my parents away from me?" I yelled.

"I couldn't let good power go to waste for grown-ups who were going to die anyway. I had to do something so I could get to you." Selfish son of a bitch. "The towns people were going to get to you soon, so I actually did you a favor and helped spare your life."

"What I did that night has haunted me for years and years."

"Everyone needs a good history." Pan laughs. Laughs? He is making a joke out of my misery.

"There is nothing good about my past."

"And would you like to prove that?"

"What?" How can his mood go from wanting to kill me to story telling to playful so quickly?

"I asked if you would like to prove that?"


"I can show you." He blows yellow dust in my face and I close my eyes to cough. When I open them, I am startled by what I see.


"Your memories."

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