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"Blue!" I spin around to find Pan, present Pan. He came up to me, angry. "Do not run off like that."

"What were you singing?" I ask, ignoring his command.

"What?" He looks at me as if I am insane. "Singing? I-I-singing?"

"Yes, Pan, singing. What were you singing? Just now- or rather- then. Why were you here? What use was it to be here?" I pester at Pan. He is never just roaming, he always has a reason to be somewhere.

"I honestly have no idea-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"Oh, you don't? Maybe this will remind you." I start walking up to him, he starts backing up. Looks like I have the upper hand now. I try to remember the words. "What was it? Oh, yes.

The candle lights the way.

All the way to her home.

It shines, it flicks, it lives.

The deep, dark path, it was known.

What does that mean?"

His face curves from confusion to remembrance. "It has shown."


He starts walking up to me as I back up. Great, now he has the advantage. He laughs. "It was not 'the deep dark path, it was known'. It was 'the deep, dark path, it has shown."

"Same thing." I scoff.

"No." Pan says sharply. "It is a not the same thing because it continues into..." He stops to think for a second then continues,

"She blew it out with one breathe,

And she is lost, should have known.

She was happy and so pure,

And now she is all so alone.

So the lyric matters"

"What does it even mean?"

"You should know more than anyone." He smirks.

"And why is that? I have never even heard that rhyme before now, let alone know what that means."

"You blew you candle out." He smiles, apparently enjoying my annoyance.

"What does that mean?" I yell out, pushing past him in irritation. "What candle? What does a wax stick have to do with anything that happened that day?"

"You want me to explain?" He asks. I groan.

"That is what I have been asking!" I reply, annoyed.

"Well, I might if you stop yelling at me."

"I'm not-" I yell. Crap, I am yelling. I stop and breathe. "I am not yelling."

"Really?" Pan asks sarcastically. I roll my eyes.

"Please just tell me about that damn idiotic rhyme."

"If it is so idiotic, why is it so important for you to know?" He asks. I open my mouth but close it again, finding no words to say. Pan laughs. "I think you know exactly, you just want to hear it said out loud."

"Like I said before, I have no idea what it means." I seethe through my teeth.

"Well, let me explain then. Have a seat." He sits in the ground while I stay standing, arms cross. He sighs. "Or keep standing. Whatever you'd like."

"You have literally wasted five minutes talking about nonsense, get on with it."

"Fine, fine." He closes his eyes and a bright light takes over the forest and I cover my own eyes. I open them and we are still in the same forest. I look to my left and I see Pan, now standing up. He points to my right. "Look."

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