Pan Unfolding

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I shake my head and begin walking even faster. At one point I am sprinting through the forest with Tink and Xander calling my name. I run and get lost in my thoughts. Soon, I slow to a walk, to which Tink and Xander catch up to me.

"Lord, Elise, you need to stop running from us. We can't keep up." Xander pants.

"I'm sorry. i just got lost in my thoughts." I shake my head.

"Are you alright, Elise? You look like you just saw a ghost." Tink gasps, feeling my forehead. I laugh a little and bring her hand down.

"I am fine, really." I smile.

"Alright." Tink carries out, unconvinced

"Can you two leave me for a moment? I need to be by myself really quick." I insist.

"If you want. Are you sure you are well?" Tink asks again.

"Yes, yes, just give me a moment." I wave my hand to urge them on. They hesitantly nod and keep walking, most likely wondering why I have been acting so distant. Once I know they are our of hearing, I slump to the ground and lean against the tree.

"What am I going to do, Voice?" I whine.

This is the first time you have actually ever came to me. I normally am the one speaking up.

"I am desperate. Every time I believe I am getting stronger, I am getting weaker and it is Pan who gains an advantage. I am at a lost." I close my eyes and sigh.

You are getting stronger, you just need to hold onto that strength.

"I feel like when I get stronger I get darker just as well, which makes him catch up to me once again!" I fume, throwing my head into my hands, letting out a sob.

Elise, you just need to find a new angle.

"Like what?" I stand up, pacing.

Remember what he said in your dream?

"Why would I? That dream was traumatizing and he invaded my damn mind!" I seethe.

Fine, reminiscence it then.

"What?" I question, stopping my pacing.

You know how.

"I do?"

Just flick your hand like you always do and ask for what you wish.

I try exactly what the voice says. I flick my right hand and blue lights fly out of my hand. "I wish to see the dream of Pan from which I had last night." The forest around me fades into the forest I stood in when I was dreaming. I didn't realize it then but now I look around and see the sun shine down on me. I hear rustling in the trees and hide behind a rock.

"Odd dream. There is no imagination in this. What sort of child is she?" I hear Pan speak to himself. I realize for a second that this is as much of a memory as the one Pan took me to and he is unable to see me. I stand up and walk over to him.

I hear him groan loudly suddenly and I jump a bit. "I know she is a girl. I would at least expect girls to be more imaginative. This is just a forest." Who is he talking to?

I am now standing in front of him while he just looks out and questions, "Is that so?" He hums in agreement and shakes his head. I take a moment to realize he was talking to his head, or better yet, a voice in his head.

"He has one too." I whisper in astonishment. I thought I was the only one.

It is not one of the good but one of the evil, Elise. It influences him and inspires him to do the things he does.

"Well, that would make sense. But why would he have one?"

He is one of the bearers of dark magic.

"I thought-"

I know what you thought. I can hear it. But you thought wrong.

I look out to Pan who was pacing back and forth, most likely getting impatient. "Why didn't you tell me? Why doesn't he have green hair or anything? Where is his color?"

I didn't tell you because you were not ready. He has no green hair because, while you are the only bearer of pure magic, there are many of dark. You do not need much purely dark magic to be overcome by it. I believe there are four in existence, one of which is standing in front of you.

"There's four? Well that doesn't seem fair." I whine.

Nothings fair when dark magic is involved.

"I am trying." I hear Pan speak up again. He is silent for a moment and then yells, "I am not going to kill her! She is useful to me." then he lowers his voice, "If I can find her."

I chuckle a bit at this. "The notorious Pan cannot even find a girl."

Do not become arrogant.

"Trust me, she will." Pan proclaims, cockily. "How can she not? I will have her in the palm of my hand and I won't need to keep looking." He shakes his head a bit. "Very well, now go away."

"He was looking for me?" I ask.

Still is too. Do you see now?

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" I jump a bit when I see he is lookng at me. I hear a gasp from behind me and, realizing he is only a memory again, relax. I flick my hand and the dream melts away back into the forest again.

"I have a question, Voice."

You actually did indeed dream that, that is why it was in your memory. You just didn't become aware of unconsiousness until the part of when you woke up in the treehouse.

"That is odd."

Well, usually, you lose about ten percent of your dream by the time you wake up, even more within the first hour. It is actually impressive that you remembered that much.

"So, Pan is looking for me."

I am actually suprised you didn't catch on that before, but, yes, he is.

"I have an idea." I whisper, grinning. I begin to run towards where Tink and Xander, grabbing then by there hands and pulling them along.

"Where are we going?" Tink yells out in surprise.

"Hallucination Hollows!" I shout back. I get pulled back to face a worried Tink.

"What? Elise, even you said that the Hallucination Hollows are a dangerous place!"

"That is exactly why we are going there!" I pull them along and they stop questioning me, although I do feel them give me some worried looks. After a bit, the trees begin to shift into sinister shapes and twist all around us. Birds chirping fade into howls of unknown creatures. Green grass dies and is left with hard dirt under our feet. I slow down when I see a sign that reads 'North Edge of Safe Haven, continue at own risk'.

"I put those up," Tink explains, "so I know where the borders are."

"Excellent." I turn around and motion towards them to come along, but Tink grip Xander's hand and they both shake their head. I understand their fear and walk over to them. I kneel down so I am eye to eye with her.

"Then I will go ahead and set up everything and you wait for me here. You have a knife, correct?" She nods and I smile. "Good. I will see you in a short while then." I ruffle their hair and carry on my way.

"Here we go." I sigh to myself.

Good luck.

AN: I'm sorry I couldn't get this updating before Christmas and it is a bit short. I feel bad. I have literally sat at my computer for hours not knowing what to type but have the thought in my head that you guys want an update. Here it is though! And Happy New Year! Oh, and comment! I am feeling a bit lonely and I like hearing from you! Love you! ~C

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