Enchanted Forest

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"Wow." Tink breathes. I nod.

"Yeah, it was an odd day. After that, I never saw Captain Hook again. I assumed he bled to death, but most of my assumptions end up wrong anyways. For all I know, the Mocke might still be out there, maybe still as Captain Hook or maybe not." I shrug. I get up and look out the window. It is still fairly dark outside, but I know for a fact I have been here for more than one night. "Why is it always so dark here in Neverland?"

"When you left Neverland, when you were young, you created a separation between light and dark, right?" I nod my head. I do not like to be reminded of that. I was eight! "Well, since then, Pan never allowed any sunlight to be here. Now, all we use fire and the moon."

"Sorry." She shrugs as if to say 'it's fine'. I always feel bad about what my actions caused. I look around every day and I see evidence of light and dark. "What power does Pan have over an island, over nature, though?"

"That is one thing I have never been sure of. It is like the day he came, he was crowned king of all Neverland or something. He definitely acts like it." That sounds like him.

"Okay. I have another question."

"Shoot away." Tink giggles. I smile to myself.

"What type of magic did you use to disguise yourself as and animal to Pan's senses?" This has been on my mind for a bit.

"It is something all fairies can do. We technically aren't human, so we are sensed as animals."

"You're a fairy?" I ask, astonished.

"Yeah- well, pixie. I am not a fairy until I get my wings." She sighs.

"When do you get your wings?"

"I am suppose to get them when I am thirteen. Which was only three years away before I came here. Now I am forever ten." She seems very sad at this reality. If she wanted her wings, why did she come here?

"Why did you come here, then?" I ask my thoughts.

"Once I got my wings and learned the part of being a fairy, I was going to be Pan's fairy godmother."

"You were?"

"Yeah, I spent my childhood learning about him. He use to live in the Enchanted Forest before he came here, so I would watch over him and learn about him. He had a brother and sister, but his sister died of illness. His father was always off at a bar or with his friends and his mother was always working to keep his family together. Pan was always alone and never had any friends. He was only close to his brother. He loved that kid like there was nothing else in the world. Then, something happened and he suddenly left without warning and came here. I went with him. Later, time here stopped and, with it, I stopped aging."

"Why didn't you just leave?"

"Because I am not allowed to leave my godchild. If I did, I wouldn't get my wings. Either way, I wouldn't get my wings. I would rather just say I am too young than to say I broke a law. So I stuck with him. The worst part is, he doesn't even know I exist! Some fairy godmother I would be!" She looks down at her hands, a small year escaping her eye.

"Hey, hey." I wipe the tear from her cheek and lift her chin to look at me. The sparkle in her eyes disappeared. I made sure as was looking at me, though. "It would be an honor to have you as a fairy godmother."

"But I'm not-"

"You don't have the title yet. But I know that in there," I point at her heart, "I can see a true fairy godmother. She is determined to help her godchild, and I will help as well." She perks up.

"I thought you wanted revenge?"

"Who said revenge will hurt him?" I ask. "I have had a small change of heart, thanks to you. He has spent to much time hurting others and hurting himself. I told him I am resetting the boards, taking a new approach, and that I am."

"What are you going to do?" Tink asks, getting a bit more excited.

"You know how I am going to bring a child here?"

"Yeah..." She seems a bit confused at this.

"Well, I know someone who is even more eager to find the light in Pan than I am." I smirk.

"Who?" She jumps up and looks at me with the sparkle in her eye back. I throw my head back and laugh.

"You will just have to find out." I grab her hand and lead her outside, on her small porch. I look out into the darkness of the island. "There will be light here again, I promise."

Tink looks at me with a wide smile. The little girl seems even more giddy than when I first met her. "Pinkie promise?" She holds out her pinkie. I hook mine onto hers.

"Pinkie promise." We both burst into a fit of laughter. I take a breathe and look at her. "What's next?" She smiles even bigger than before, if possible.

"Next stop: The Enchanted Forest!" She yells. She reaches for something in her tool belt and pulls what looks like a small notebook. She starts to open it, flipping page and page. "This is an enchanted notebook has all the realms in it." Tink explains. "You find the realm you want to go to, then you say a little rhyme, then you're there! Easy as that! Pan doesn't know this little trick, so it's safe right now." She flips a few more pages and grabs my hand, looking at me. "Now repeat after me. Take us where."

"Take us where." I repeat.

"Out of here." She continues.

"Out of here."

"Right in there."

"Right in there."

"Enchanted forest." She finally says. I didn't even get time to repeat before a big swirl of colors engulf us and I shield my eyes from the brightness. Then, the colors fade away into the colors of a forest. I look around. I recognize where we stand. I spin to look at everything. I definitely know where we are. Tink looks at me, confused by my sudden eagerness.

"I know this place." I explain.

"I can guess so since you said you've be-"

"No, like I know exactly the place where we stand. I use I come here a lot and- oh! I use to take that exact path! There's the pond!" I feel like a kid in a candy store. Out of everywhere I have been, this one small area in this forest is my favorite place. It is like my own little piece of heaven. The trees shield away the sun perfectly, letting just the right amount in. The pond glimmers blue and purple with just the right touch of gold. The grass reaches up to graze my hips and the smell- oh the smell!- is just glorious. With the smell of the grass and the flowers mixed in, I love it.

"You recognize this place?" Tink asks, shocked.

"Yeah, and the child lives right over-"

"Elise?" I hear a small voice from behind us. I turn around slowly and meet a pair a very familiar eyes I haven't seen in a long time. It takes me a moment to get words out of my mouth.

"I need your help, Xander." I breathe.

(AN: In case you are wondering, I know it is not that big of a surprise that she was looking for Xander. I just want this little boy to play a bigger role in this story more than he has so I am bringing him back. Hope you line this! Love you! ~C)

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