Waking up

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"Whether it is for good or for bad is up to you."

"How-" The being cut me off my raising it right arm, giving me a glimpse of a pale hand underneath the sleeve.

"Quiet, Elise. It is time to wake up."

"But I still have so much to ask you in person." I begin. Who exactly are you? Can you tell the future? I end up hearing my thoughts out loud. I jump at the obnoxiously loud voice, which is actually my own, but coming from all sorts of directions. All the words are jumbled together to create nonsense.

"We are in your mind, most specifically, the center of your thoughts. Everything you think or wonder is found in here. And you, Elise, think a lot." The beings lets out a loud laugh and I scowl. "And it is not like I am not here, I am always with you."

"That's true, but it is so much more personal face to... cloak." The being lets out another light hearted laugh.

"I am sure you will function without seeing me with your eyes. Time to wake up." I hear another loud crash behind me I spin around and get greeted with a flash of blue light. I shield my eyes with my arm. I blink a few times and then I open m eyes to the ceiling of the tree house. I feel around and realize that I am on the floor and I sit up.

"Elise! Are you alright? You stood up then fainted." Xander rushes up to me and holds my arm so I have something to lean on when getting up.

"You kept muttering things like 'No' and 'Help' but I couldn't wake you up." Tink droops her head in shame.

"It is quite alright, Tink. It isn't your fault. I need to shield my mind against immature child play." I pat Tink on the back. She begins to question me, but I cut her off. "I will talk about it later. But now, we need to find Pan."

"Wow, already? I mean, we really don't know what we're doing." Xander stops me before I walk away.

"Well, I do. Just follow along. I am tired of waiting and having Pan mess with my head." I feel a wave of anger remembering everything Pan has done within the past night to me. I storm out of the tree house and practically slide down the tree. I am half way down the trunk when I here a loud crack and the tree shakes.

"Tink! I thought you said this tree is stable!" I yell, trying to not loose my grip of the ladder. I look up and see Xander and Tink doing the same thing!

"It was! I don't know what it happening!" She yells back. The tree creaks again and I feel it sway more. I hear Tink scream and Xander gasp.

"We need to get down quickly!" I yell, continuing to climb down the tree as fast as I can. Tink and Xander nod and do the same. The tree creak more and moves more. I hear Xander scream and he begins to lose his grip on the ladder.

"Xander! Hold on!" I yell. I climb up but miss place my foot and I slip. I scream and grab onto the closest thing there is. Now we are both dangling and the tree cracks more and I feel it shift. Xander yells again and he falls. It takes all that is within me and I reach my arm out to grab him. I grit my teeth to keep us both from falling.

You have power. Use it.

"Thanks, really helpful right now, but I can't do anything, all my strength is going towards holding myself up." I whisper.

Use your mind, now that you are in control of it.

"How? Do I just say, 'I wish for us to be safe'?" I here a crash and everything spins. I close my eyes to stop it and when I open them, I am on the ground in front of the tree. Xander and Tink are by my side and just stare at each other with wide eyes.

"What happened?" Xander asked, still breathing rapidly.

"I don't know. That tree was suppose to be safe." Tink says, still shaking.

"We need to get out of here before the tree falls the lost boys figure out we have been here." I turn and we run from the tree. About twenty meters away, we here a crash and a strong wind comes from behind us and pushes us over. We look over out shoulders and see the large tree had fallen.

"My house." Tink whimpers.

"At least you are safe." I say. I stand up and brush my self off. I help Tink up and give her a hug. "We will build you a new one, I promise." I whisper into her hair. She nods and lets go. She nods again and begins walking again. We walk up to a stream and I dip my hands in for a drink of water.

"What are we gong to do?" Xander asks, sitting on the grass.

"We aren't going I do much, it's his lost boys that are." I reply.

"How are you going to do that? They are more loyal to Pan than anyone. They would kill you in an instant if he says so." Tink explains.

"That might be true, but they listen. They listen if they get something out of it."

"What are we going to give them?" Xander asks.

"The one thing they are mind washed to believe that they have - freedom. We are going to give them freedom from Pan's grasp on them. They have been harassed and they weep at night-" I ramble but TInk cuts me off.

"How would you know that?" Tink asks. "You have heard them?"

"Not really. But any child without parents do." I mumble. I cross my legs and turn away from the two kids. I play with magic dust and let it the blue shimmer dance between my fingers. It is quiet for a moment before Tink speaks up.

"Do you?" She whispers.

I open my mouth but change my mind about what to say. I was going to say not since I got to Neverland, but I would have to explain further most likely so I just nod. "Like I said, every child without parents do."

"What happened to your parents?" Xander asks. I almost forgot that he doesn't know. In fact, no one really knows what happened to Mama and Papa. Except for Pan.

"They... uh... just died in an accident." I lie. I continue to play the dust and watch as the shine fades in and out.

"That's a lie." Tink accuses. I turn to her in shock.

"How would you know?"

"I was suppose to be a fairy godmother, I am pretty sure I can tell when someone is lying." Tink states seriously. I just kind of look at her in a different way suddenly. I would always look at her like a child, but she has lived here for who knows how long. I have not given her enough credit to what she might have experienced or learned.

Then I begin to think of Pan and all that he has done. I remember him scaring me when I was younger. I remember his legacy following me everywhere I go. I remember him taunting me into using dark magic. I remember him forcing me to watch my parents die all over again. I remember him killing them. I remember him invading my mind and my dreams. I remember all the horror he has caused me.

"Elise..." I hear a small whisper. I look up at Tink and Xander and see them staring at my hand. I glance at my hand and gasp when I see my once blue and pure magic in my hand now turned red and fiery. I shake my hand so that the magic is gone. Tink and Xander just stare at me. I shakingly stand up and begin walking again.

"I think it is time to continue." I breathe. I feel tears begin to fall from my eyes and I wipe them away. I hear Tink and Xander stand up and follow me, but many paces behind. I look up for a moment to see where I was going. I see Pan standing only centimeters away from me. I gasp and fall back, but in a blink he is gone.

Be careful, Elise. He is getting more powerful the more you are using dark magic. Be wary.

Heaven help me.

(AN: I apologize for not updating for a while. I was part of the musical Footloose at my school and I could never find time to update between the show and all the homework I had. I hope to update before Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving! Love you! ~C)

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